Percepciones de los docentes sobre su rol en la educación emocional de los estudiantes de una I.E.P de Lima durante la pandemia de la COVID 19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La educación emocional se ha convertido en un aspecto importante durante el
tiempo de pandemia que involucra el estado emocional de las personas y más
de los niños, sumado a ello el rol que emplea el docente ante esta circunstancia.
De esta forma, mi investigación tiene como visión general analizar las
percepciones de los docentes de nivel primaria sobre su rol en la
educación emocional de los estudiantes de una IEP durante la pandemia de
la COVID 19; mientras que los objetivos específicos son: (i) Identificar los
fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos del docente acerca de la educación
emocional en estudiantes del nivel primaria , (ii) Describir la percepción de los
docentes sobre su rol en la educación emocional en el contexto de la pandemia
de la COVID 19. El tema elegido es de suma importancia y relevante porque el
rol docente es primordial en el proceso de la educación emocional de los niños
dentro de la escuela. Por consiguiente, el enfoque es cualitativo y se utiliza
como técnica el focus group. Finalmente, se espera que los docentes
entrevistados identifiquen sobre su rol como docentes, así como la importancia
sobre la educación emocional en sus estudiantes, con el objetivo de que la
función como docente educador no solo es cognitivo, sino que también influye
lo emocional y más actualmente en una educación durante la pandemia de la
Emotional education has become an important aspect during the time of the pandemic that involves the emotional state of people and more of children, added to this the role that the teacher uses in this circumstance.In this way, my research has as a general vision to analyze the perceptions of primary level teachers about their role in the emotional education of students in an IEP during the COVID 19 pandemic; while the specific objectives are: (i) To identify the theoretical and methodological foundations of the teacher about emotional education in primary school students, (ii) To describe the teachers' perception of their role in emotional education in the context of COVID 19 pandemic. The chosen topic is of the utmost importance and relevant because the teaching role is paramount in the process of emotional education of children within the school. Therefore, the approach is qualitative and the focus group is used as a technique. Finally, the teachers interviewed are expected to identify their role as teachers, as well as the importance of emotional education in their students, with the aim that the function as a teacher educator is not only cognitive, but also influences the emotional and more currently in an education during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Emotional education has become an important aspect during the time of the pandemic that involves the emotional state of people and more of children, added to this the role that the teacher uses in this circumstance.In this way, my research has as a general vision to analyze the perceptions of primary level teachers about their role in the emotional education of students in an IEP during the COVID 19 pandemic; while the specific objectives are: (i) To identify the theoretical and methodological foundations of the teacher about emotional education in primary school students, (ii) To describe the teachers' perception of their role in emotional education in the context of COVID 19 pandemic. The chosen topic is of the utmost importance and relevant because the teaching role is paramount in the process of emotional education of children within the school. Therefore, the approach is qualitative and the focus group is used as a technique. Finally, the teachers interviewed are expected to identify their role as teachers, as well as the importance of emotional education in their students, with the aim that the function as a teacher educator is not only cognitive, but also influences the emotional and more currently in an education during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020---Aspectos educativos, Educación primaria--Investigaciones, Emociones infantiles, Inteligencia emocional, Personal docente--Actitudes
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