Teorías subjetivas sobre el bullying y el rol docente en casos de bullying
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer las teorías subjetivas de un grupo de
docentes de una institución educativa pública de educación básica regular de Lima
Metropolitana sobre el bullying y su rol en este. Para ello, se entrevistó a 6 docentes de una
Institución Educativa Pública de Lima Metropolitana. Posteriormente, se realizó el análisis de
la información recogida siguiendo la propuesta de la teoría fundamentada, a lo cual se
incorporó los procesos de análisis pertinentes para las teorías subjetivas. Las teorías
encontradas en el presente estudio evidenciaron una falta de nivel argumentativo en lo que
respecta a su propia fundamentación. En consecuencia, estas construcciones personales
presentaron un distanciamiento significativo respecto a lo que sugiere la literatura académica
sobre el tema del bullying. Las conclusiones del presente estudio proponen que los
participantes elaboraron sus teorías subjetivas en el mismo momento en que manifestaban sus
discursos, lo cual podría deberse a la falta de experiencia en el tema o al simple
desconocimiento de este. De esta manera, los docentes sí reconocerían el bullying como una
problemática necesaria de trabajar, pero no tendrían nociones sobre cómo abordarlo
adecuadamente desde la docencia.
The objective of this research was to know the subjective theories of a group of teachers from a public educational institution of regular basic education in Lima about bullying and their role in it. To do this, 6 volunteer teachers were interviewed for 45 minutes each. Subsequently, the analysis of the information collected was carried out based on the guidelines of the grounded theory, to which the pertinent analysis processes for subjective theories were incorporated. The theories found in the present study evidenced a lack of argumentative level regarding their own foundation. Consequently, these personal constructions presented a significant distance from what the academic literature suggests on the subject of bullying. The conclusions of the present study propose that the participants elaborated their subjective theories at the same time that they manifested their discourses, which could be due to the lack of experiences on the subject or due to simple ignorance. In this way, teachers would recognize bullying as a necessary problem to work, but they wouldn’t have any notions on how to properly address it from their teacher’s role.
The objective of this research was to know the subjective theories of a group of teachers from a public educational institution of regular basic education in Lima about bullying and their role in it. To do this, 6 volunteer teachers were interviewed for 45 minutes each. Subsequently, the analysis of the information collected was carried out based on the guidelines of the grounded theory, to which the pertinent analysis processes for subjective theories were incorporated. The theories found in the present study evidenced a lack of argumentative level regarding their own foundation. Consequently, these personal constructions presented a significant distance from what the academic literature suggests on the subject of bullying. The conclusions of the present study propose that the participants elaborated their subjective theories at the same time that they manifested their discourses, which could be due to the lack of experiences on the subject or due to simple ignorance. In this way, teachers would recognize bullying as a necessary problem to work, but they wouldn’t have any notions on how to properly address it from their teacher’s role.
Violencia en la escuela, Educación pública--Perú--Lima, Personal docente--Capacitación, Personal docente--Perú--Lima
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