Características sobre La pensadora en un establecimiento penitenciario de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio pretende dar cuenta de un aspecto de las vivencias de la población penitenciaria a partir de la descripción de lo que presos primarios han llamado La pensadora. Para obtener la información, se realizaron nueve entrevistas en un establecimiento penitenciario de Lima. Según los resultados, La pensadora se caracteriza por la presencia de pensamientos intrusivos que tienen como contenido situaciones donde el sujeto es impotente. Esos pensamientos son acompañados de un ánimo depresivo, irritable, o de un desgano generalizado. Muchos fenómenos perjudiciales, entre ellos el suicidio, se asocian a La pensadora. Las principales estrategias que utilizan las personas encarceladas para evitarla o disminuir sus efectos se basan en eludir los pensamientos intrusivos manteniéndose ocupados en otras tareas. Otras estrategias menos comunes pueden llevar a una incipiente noción de culpa y responsabilidad. De este modo La pensadora se convierte en un tema relevante, no solo para la salud mental de los internos, sino también para la elaboración de programas de resocialización.
Palabras clave: ámbito penitenciario, La pensadora, encarcelamiento
This study aims to explain one aspect of the experiences of prison population by describing what primary prisoners referred as La pensadora. In order to gather the information, nine interviews were conducted in a penitentiary center in Lima. According to the results, La pensadora is characterized by the presence of intrusive thoughts whose contents are situations where the subject is powerless. Those thoughts are accompanied by a depressive mood, irritability, or an overall reluctance. Many adverse conditions, suicide among them, are associated with La pensadora. The main strategies used by prisoners to avoid or lessen its effects are based on eluding intrusive thoughts by remaining occupied with other tasks. Other less common strategies may guide them to an incipient notion of guilt. Therefore, La pensadora becomes an important issue, not only for the mental health of the inmates, but also for the elaboration of resocialization programs. Keywords: prison environment, La pensadora, imprisonment
This study aims to explain one aspect of the experiences of prison population by describing what primary prisoners referred as La pensadora. In order to gather the information, nine interviews were conducted in a penitentiary center in Lima. According to the results, La pensadora is characterized by the presence of intrusive thoughts whose contents are situations where the subject is powerless. Those thoughts are accompanied by a depressive mood, irritability, or an overall reluctance. Many adverse conditions, suicide among them, are associated with La pensadora. The main strategies used by prisoners to avoid or lessen its effects are based on eluding intrusive thoughts by remaining occupied with other tasks. Other less common strategies may guide them to an incipient notion of guilt. Therefore, La pensadora becomes an important issue, not only for the mental health of the inmates, but also for the elaboration of resocialization programs. Keywords: prison environment, La pensadora, imprisonment
Prisiones--Perú, Presos--Salud mental--Perú, Presos--Aspectos psicológicos--Perú
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