Ineficiente articulación de la información de inteligencia estratégica en los actores del Estado, que realizan gestión de los conflictos socio ambientales, para su mitigación en el corredor vial sur, durante el periodo 2018- 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Los conflictos sociales son considerados como algo perjudicial para el orden público,
la gobernabilidad y el desarrollo normal de las actividades económicas del país. En particular,
los conflictos socioambientales se perciben como los más nocivos para el devenir político,
económico y social del país, razón por la cual las dependencias del Estado deben realizar un
trabajo preventivo para evitar que esto ocurra.
En dicho escenario, el Ministerio del Interior cuenta con órganos tales como la
Dirección General de Inteligencia (DIGIMIN) y la Dirección de Inteligencia de la Policía
Nacional del Perú (DIRIN) que le permiten obtener información de manera adelantada para
tomar decisiones y poder cautelar el orden público contribuyendo a la prevención de conflictos
Dentro de ese contexto, la información que procesa del sector interior, por su
competencia a nivel del Estado en relación con la gobernabilidad y el orden público, alimentan
las acciones de otros sectores públicos que están involucrados en la gestión de la conflictividad.
Por esta razón su accionar deberá estar interconectado con los demás sectores públicos. Por
tanto, hay una relación estrecha entre el accionar de las otras instituciones en el desarrollo del
problema social a fin de evitar su escalamiento.
En nuestro país, por las condiciones sociales y políticas en las que se desarrollan las
actividades extractivas, los conflictos socio ambientales tienden a incrementarse por lo que es
inevitable que la DIGIMIN y DIRIN, mejoren su trabajo orientándolo a la formulación de
informes de inteligencia que permitan advertir a tiempo, al órgano pertinente, para que tome
las decisiones adecuadas ante los índices de la posible consolidación de un conflicto social.
Finalmente, desarrollamos la propuesta de un Protocolo Interinstitucional entre los
órganos de Inteligencia del Sector Interior y la Secretaria de Gestión Social y Diálogo de la
PCM, a efectos que la información oportuna y actualizada de inteligencia sobre la
conflictividad social sirva para que los niveles intermedios de los Sectores comprometidos,
articulados por la SGSD-PCM, realicen la gestión del conflicto de manera preventiva y no
reactiva, evitando el escalamiento del mismo, el costo social, y se deje en manos de la Policía
la contención del conflicto por una ineficiencia en la gestión oportuna del conflicto.
Social conflicts are perceived as a threat to the security, governance and economic development of Peru. Those conflicts of a socio-environmental nature have a negative impact on the national scene, consequently all organizations dependent on the State must take actions to prevent their occurrence. In this scenario, the Ministry of the Interior has bodies such as the General Intelligence Directorate (DIGIMIN) and the Intelligence Directorate of the National Police of Peru (DIRIN) that allow it to obtain information in advance to make decisions and be able to prevent the public order contributing to the prevention of social conflicts. Within this context, the information it processes from the domestic sector, due to its competence at the State level in relation to governance and public order, fuels the actions of other public sectors that are involved in conflict management. For this reason, its actions must be interconnected with the other public sectors. Therefore, there is a close relationship between the actions of the other institutions in the development of the social problem in order to avoid its escalation. In the Peruvian context, socio-environmental problems tend to increase, developing indicators that in the short and medium term maintain this trend, so it is inevitable that the DIGIMIN and DIRIN improve their work aimed at the production of intelligence documents that allow the pertinent body to be warned in a timely manner so that it can make the appropriate decisions in the face of the indices of the possible consolidation of a social conflict. Finally, we developed the proposal for an Interinstitutional Protocol between the Intelligence bodies of the Interior Sector and the Secretariat for Social Management and Dialogue of the PCM, so that timely and updated intelligence information on social conflict serves so that intermediate levels of The involved Sectors, articulated by the SGSD-PCM, manage the conflict in a preventive and non-reactive manner, avoiding its escalation, the social cost, and the containment of the conflict is left in the hands of the Police due to inefficiency in the timely conflict management.
Social conflicts are perceived as a threat to the security, governance and economic development of Peru. Those conflicts of a socio-environmental nature have a negative impact on the national scene, consequently all organizations dependent on the State must take actions to prevent their occurrence. In this scenario, the Ministry of the Interior has bodies such as the General Intelligence Directorate (DIGIMIN) and the Intelligence Directorate of the National Police of Peru (DIRIN) that allow it to obtain information in advance to make decisions and be able to prevent the public order contributing to the prevention of social conflicts. Within this context, the information it processes from the domestic sector, due to its competence at the State level in relation to governance and public order, fuels the actions of other public sectors that are involved in conflict management. For this reason, its actions must be interconnected with the other public sectors. Therefore, there is a close relationship between the actions of the other institutions in the development of the social problem in order to avoid its escalation. In the Peruvian context, socio-environmental problems tend to increase, developing indicators that in the short and medium term maintain this trend, so it is inevitable that the DIGIMIN and DIRIN improve their work aimed at the production of intelligence documents that allow the pertinent body to be warned in a timely manner so that it can make the appropriate decisions in the face of the indices of the possible consolidation of a social conflict. Finally, we developed the proposal for an Interinstitutional Protocol between the Intelligence bodies of the Interior Sector and the Secretariat for Social Management and Dialogue of the PCM, so that timely and updated intelligence information on social conflict serves so that intermediate levels of The involved Sectors, articulated by the SGSD-PCM, manage the conflict in a preventive and non-reactive manner, avoiding its escalation, the social cost, and the containment of the conflict is left in the hands of the Police due to inefficiency in the timely conflict management.
Carreteras--Perú, Medio ambiente, Conflictos sociales--Perú, Administración pública--Perú
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