La suspensión en casos de prejudicialidad externa en el proceso civil. Un análisis del art. 320 del Código Procesal Civil desde una perspectiva teórica y pragmática
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente informe analiza la Sentencia No. 00027 emitida por la Primera Sala
Especializada en lo Civil de la Corte Superior de Jusiticia de Lambayeque en el
marco de un proceso de otorgamiento de escritura pública respecto de una
minuta de compraventa de fecha 26 de agosto de 2011. A este respecto, la
primera parte del informe está destinada a evidenciar que la Sala no tuvo un
correcto entendimiento de la institución referida a la suspensión del proceso por
prejudicialidad civil regulada en el artículo 320º del Código Procesal Civil, pues
si bien ha declarado improcedente el pedido de suspensión del proceso
formulada por la parte demanda, esta decisión solo es correcta en la forma, ya
que las razones que sustentan la misma son equivocadas y evidencian un
desconocimiento de esta institución. Por otro lado, la segunda parte de este
informe se centra en demostrar los errores en la valoración de la prueba en los
que ha incurrido la Sala los cuales han generado que se declare fundada la
demanda de otorgamiento de escritura pública respecto de una minuta de
compraventa que es manifiestamente nula por vulneración al órden público
según el inciso 8 del artículo 219º del Código Civil y el VIII Pleno Casatorio Civil.
This report analyzes Judgment No. 00027 issued by the First Specialized Civil Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Lambayeque in the framework of a process of granting a public deed with respect to a bill of sale dated August 26, 2011. In this regard, the first part of the report is intended to show that the Chamber did not have a correct understanding of the institution referring to the suspension of the process for civil prejudicial proceedings regulated in Article 320 of the Code of Civil Procedure, since although it has declared inadmissible the request for suspension of the process made by the plaintiff, this decision is only correct in form, since the reasons that support it are wrong and show a lack of knowledge of this institution. On the other hand, the second part of this report focuses on demonstrating the errors in the assessment of the evidence in which the Chamber has incurred, which have led to the declaration of foundation of the claim for the execution of a public deed with respect to a bill of sale that is manifestly null and void for violation of public order according to paragraph 8 of article 219 of the Civil Code and the VIII Civil Cassation Plenum.
This report analyzes Judgment No. 00027 issued by the First Specialized Civil Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Lambayeque in the framework of a process of granting a public deed with respect to a bill of sale dated August 26, 2011. In this regard, the first part of the report is intended to show that the Chamber did not have a correct understanding of the institution referring to the suspension of the process for civil prejudicial proceedings regulated in Article 320 of the Code of Civil Procedure, since although it has declared inadmissible the request for suspension of the process made by the plaintiff, this decision is only correct in form, since the reasons that support it are wrong and show a lack of knowledge of this institution. On the other hand, the second part of this report focuses on demonstrating the errors in the assessment of the evidence in which the Chamber has incurred, which have led to the declaration of foundation of the claim for the execution of a public deed with respect to a bill of sale that is manifestly null and void for violation of public order according to paragraph 8 of article 219 of the Civil Code and the VIII Civil Cassation Plenum.
Prueba (Derecho)--Legislación--Perú, Nulidad (Derecho), Derecho procesal civil--Legislación--Perú, Derecho procesal civil--Jurisprudencia--Perú