Aproximación al análisis de la exclusión social en Lima: aceptación del sistema neoliberal, atribución causal de la pobreza e ideología política
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo aproximarse al análisis de la exclusión
social en Lima Metropolitana, a partir de la relación entre la Aceptación del Sistema Neoliberal,
Atribución Causal de la Pobreza e ideología política. Para ello, se utilizaron las escalas de
Orientación a la Dominancia Social y Autoritarismo de Ala Derecha, que permiten medir la
ideología política de los y las participantes. También, se adaptó la escala de Atribuciones
Causales de la Pobreza y se construyó la escala de Aceptación del Sistema Neoliberal, las cuales
mostraron adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. En adición, se construyó un cuestionario de
Desigualdad Social, para evaluar indicadores de vulnerabilidad ante condiciones de desigualdad
social multidimensional. Se contó con 257 participantes de Lima Metropolitana de 18 a 75 años
(M = 34,47; DE = 14,47). Se encontró que la menor presencia de Orientación a la Dominancia
Social y de Autoritarismo de Ala Derecha se relaciona con menos Aceptación del Sistema
Neoliberal, así como con otorgar menos atribuciones individualistas a la pobreza y más
atribuciones estructurales. Asimismo, una menor Aceptación del Sistema Neoliberal y sus
dimensiones, se relacionan con atribuir menos causas individualistas a la pobreza y en cambio
atribuirle más causas estructurales. Finalmente, se observó que la mayor desigualdad social se
relaciona con una atribución más estructural de la pobreza.
This research aimed to approach the analysis of social exclusion in Lima, based on the relationship between the Neoliberal System Acceptance, the poverty causal attributions, and political ideology. For this, the Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism scales were used, allowing for measuring the participants' political ideology. Also, the Poverty Causal Attributions scale was adapted and the Neoliberal System Acceptance scale was constructed, and both of them showed adequate psychometric properties. In addition, a Social Inequality questionnaire was constructed in order to assess vulnerability indicators given multidimensional social inequality conditions. There were 257 participants from Lima, between 18 and 75 years old (M = 34.47; SD = 14.47). Thereby, it was found that a lower presence of Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism is related to less Neoliberal System Acceptance, as well as to granting less individualistic attributions to poverty and more structural attributions. Likewise, a lower Neoliberal System Acceptance and its dimensions are related to attributing fewer individualistic causes to poverty and instead attributing more structural causes. Finally, it was observed that a greater level of social inequality is related to a more structural attribution of poverty.
This research aimed to approach the analysis of social exclusion in Lima, based on the relationship between the Neoliberal System Acceptance, the poverty causal attributions, and political ideology. For this, the Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism scales were used, allowing for measuring the participants' political ideology. Also, the Poverty Causal Attributions scale was adapted and the Neoliberal System Acceptance scale was constructed, and both of them showed adequate psychometric properties. In addition, a Social Inequality questionnaire was constructed in order to assess vulnerability indicators given multidimensional social inequality conditions. There were 257 participants from Lima, between 18 and 75 years old (M = 34.47; SD = 14.47). Thereby, it was found that a lower presence of Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism is related to less Neoliberal System Acceptance, as well as to granting less individualistic attributions to poverty and more structural attributions. Likewise, a lower Neoliberal System Acceptance and its dimensions are related to attributing fewer individualistic causes to poverty and instead attributing more structural causes. Finally, it was observed that a greater level of social inequality is related to a more structural attribution of poverty.
Exclusión social--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Autoritarismo, Psicología social, Desigualdad social--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Neoliberalismo
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