Usabilidad en sistema de matrícula en línea : rediseño de la plataforma de la PUCP como estrategia para la optimización de procesos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las plataformas digitales educativas se han vuelto en puntos de acceso que facilitan y agilizan
los servicios comunes de los que hacen uso ciertos grupo de personas, entre ellos los jóvenes
estudiantes universitarios, puesto que brindan muchas alternativas a los usuarios.
Asimismo, las plataformas colaboran con la evolución de los desarrollos de enseñanza, siendo
un complemento o alternativa a las buenas prácticas de enseñanza tradicional. Así, los
propósitos y objetivos de las plataformas digitales educativas, pueden enfocarse en la
agilización de procesos, facilitación de documentación, dictado de clases, etcétera.
A raíz de la pandemia de la Covid-19, iniciada en el año 2020, gran parte de los centros
educativos virtualizaron sus metodologías educativas, lo cual llevó a asumir una realidad
inesperada, puesto que el proceso tuvo que ser rápido, y no dio tiempo a un buen desarrollo del
En la PUCP existen varios productos digitales, cada uno con objetivos distintos. En este caso,
nos enfocamos en los puntos de mejora para el proceso de matrícula en el campus virtual. Como
métodos de estudio para esta tesis se utilizaron artículos, libros y videos para recopilar
información y analizarla. Esta investigación que se trabajó durante la pandemia, propone un
proceso de matrícula actualizado que se adapte de manera correcta a las necesidades de los
estudiantes, brindándoles rapidez y agilización para sus gestiones académicas. Esta propuesta
es un punto de partida para implementarla en el producto del Campus virtual PUCP.
In so far as online learning platforms offer a myriad of features, they have become access points that help and expedite regular services people use, including young college students. Moreover, platforms collaborate with the evolution of learning experiences, for they are both a complement and an alternative to traditional teaching approaches. Consequently, the goals and objectives of online learning platforms are the streamlining of processes, the accessibility to documents, and teaching, among others. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, most teaching institutions virtualised their teaching approach. Given that they performed that switch quickly, it led to unexpected results, for they needed more time to develop it thoroughly. The Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) has many digital platforms, each with a different objective. This research focused on improving the enrolment process performed in the Campus Virtual PUCP. To do so, we consulted articles, books, and videos to gather and analyse information. This research, conducted during the pandemic, proposes an updated enrolling process that considers students' needs, granting them an agile and effective system to perform their academic endeavours.
In so far as online learning platforms offer a myriad of features, they have become access points that help and expedite regular services people use, including young college students. Moreover, platforms collaborate with the evolution of learning experiences, for they are both a complement and an alternative to traditional teaching approaches. Consequently, the goals and objectives of online learning platforms are the streamlining of processes, the accessibility to documents, and teaching, among others. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, most teaching institutions virtualised their teaching approach. Given that they performed that switch quickly, it led to unexpected results, for they needed more time to develop it thoroughly. The Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) has many digital platforms, each with a different objective. This research focused on improving the enrolment process performed in the Campus Virtual PUCP. To do so, we consulted articles, books, and videos to gather and analyse information. This research, conducted during the pandemic, proposes an updated enrolling process that considers students' needs, granting them an agile and effective system to perform their academic endeavours.
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú--Matrícula, Control de procesos--Automatización, Tecnología educativa--Usabilidad
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