Alternativas pacíficas ante la violencia política desde los exmilitantes del PCP-SL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo, conocer las alternativas pacíficas ante la violencia política, que se plantean los exmilitantes del PCP-SL que participaron en ella. Es una investigación cualitativa, de nivel descriptivo, realizada mediante el método fenomenológico. Así se realizaron siete entrevistas en profundidad a exmilitantes
del PCP SL, quienes no se encuentran vinculados actualmente a una ideología senderista. Se tuvo en cuenta los aspectos éticos, relacionados a la investigación y en especial al tema de estudio.Para ello resulta necesario conocer previamente a los exmilitantes del PCP-SL que se plantean las alternativas, de tal modo que se aborda el proceso de construcción y deconstrucción del militante del PCP-SL, hasta su desvinculación, tras ello se presentan las alternativas para la construcción de la paz social que estos últimos se plantean. Así se parte por el perdón la restauración del tejido social, de
otro lado se plantea el acompañamiento psicosocial como un espacio de rehumanización. De otro lado, se plantean estrategias de retribución y restauración comunitarias, así como acuerdos de reinserción comunitaria. Se plantea también la apertura de espacios de inserción social, así como el fortalecimiento institucional del Estado y una construcción conjunta de las verdades.
This research aims to make peaceful alternatives to political violence that the PCP -SL ex-militants who participated in it are raised. It is a qualitative, descriptive level, realized by the phenomenological method. So seven interviews were conducted to ex-militants of the PCP -SL, who are not currently attach to a senderista ideology. Ethical issues related to research and especially the topic of study were important for the present research.This is necessary to know the ex-militants of the PCP-SL than the alternatives, so that the process of construction and deconstruction of the PCP-SL militant is addressed, until their separation, after that the alternatives presented to arise building social peace latter arise. So forgiveness is partly restoring the social fabric, the other side of the psychosocial support as a space rehumanization arises. On the other hand, arise strategies communitys of retribution and restoration, and community reintegration agreements. Also proposed opening spaces for social insertion, institutional strengthening of the state and the joint construction of truths.
This research aims to make peaceful alternatives to political violence that the PCP -SL ex-militants who participated in it are raised. It is a qualitative, descriptive level, realized by the phenomenological method. So seven interviews were conducted to ex-militants of the PCP -SL, who are not currently attach to a senderista ideology. Ethical issues related to research and especially the topic of study were important for the present research.This is necessary to know the ex-militants of the PCP-SL than the alternatives, so that the process of construction and deconstruction of the PCP-SL militant is addressed, until their separation, after that the alternatives presented to arise building social peace latter arise. So forgiveness is partly restoring the social fabric, the other side of the psychosocial support as a space rehumanization arises. On the other hand, arise strategies communitys of retribution and restoration, and community reintegration agreements. Also proposed opening spaces for social insertion, institutional strengthening of the state and the joint construction of truths.
Violencia política--Perú, Derechos humanos--Perú., Sendero Luminoso
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