Consideraciones sobre el uso de las normas de competencia desleal para resolver problemas de libre competencia en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo busca explorar el escenario de complementariedad en las
normas de defensa del proceso competitivo que existen en el Perú.
Concretamente, se busca esclarecer si es que resulta posible, bajo las normas
vigentes del ordenamiento peruano, utilizar la cláusula general de competencia
desleal, por su propia calidad de tipo infractor omnicomprensivo, como un
mecanismo para sancionar conductas que puedan representar una afectación a
la libre competencia pero que no se encuentran tipificadas expresamente como
infracciones administrativas dentro de la norma peruana de libre competencia.
De este modo, se explora la interrelación y complementariedad que puede existir
entre el régimen de defensa de la libre competencia y el régimen de represión
de la competencia desleal en el marco de una economía social de mercado para
concluir la validez jurídica del fenómeno estudiado.
La conclusión de este trabajo es que, si bien podrían existir aspectos sensibles
a analizar, desde el punto de vista de los principios del derecho administrativo
sancionador y la coherencia lógica del ordenamiento jurídico, la práctica peruana
si ha, a lo largo de la historia, validado este fenómeno. Así, las autoridades
competentes han tratado con fenómenos de libre competencia bajo el esquema
de reglas de la competencia desleal, como reflejan los pronunciamientos
estudiados en el presente trabajo.
This article seeks to explore the scenario of complementarity the rules of defense of the competitive process that exist in Peru. Specifically, it seeks to clarify whether it is possible to use the general unfair competition clause, by its very nature as an all-encompassing type of infringement, as a mechanism to sanction conducts that may affect free competition but that are not expressly typified as administrative infringements within the Peruvian antitrust law. In this way, the interrelation and complementarity that may exist between the regime of defense of competition and the regime of repression of unfair competition in the framework of a social market economy is explored in order to conclude the legal background of the phenomenon studied. The conclusion of this work is that, although there could be sensitive aspects to analyze, from the point of view of the principles of administrative sanctioning law and the logical coherence of the legal system, Peruvian practice has, throughout history, validated this phenomenon. Thus, the competent authorities have dealt with free competition phenomena under the scheme of unfair competition rules, as reflected in the pronouncements studied in this paper.
This article seeks to explore the scenario of complementarity the rules of defense of the competitive process that exist in Peru. Specifically, it seeks to clarify whether it is possible to use the general unfair competition clause, by its very nature as an all-encompassing type of infringement, as a mechanism to sanction conducts that may affect free competition but that are not expressly typified as administrative infringements within the Peruvian antitrust law. In this way, the interrelation and complementarity that may exist between the regime of defense of competition and the regime of repression of unfair competition in the framework of a social market economy is explored in order to conclude the legal background of the phenomenon studied. The conclusion of this work is that, although there could be sensitive aspects to analyze, from the point of view of the principles of administrative sanctioning law and the logical coherence of the legal system, Peruvian practice has, throughout history, validated this phenomenon. Thus, the competent authorities have dealt with free competition phenomena under the scheme of unfair competition rules, as reflected in the pronouncements studied in this paper.
Libre competencia, Competencia económica desleal