Bases para la mejora de los programas de segregación en fuente de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios: una matriz de evaluación de nivel de madurez, a partir del análisis de los estudios de caso en San Borja y La Victoria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo principal de la presente investigación es construir una herramienta que facilite la evaluación integral de los programas de segregación en fuente, los cuales buscan revalorizar los residuos sólidos domiciliarios con el fin de generar puestos de trabajo, fomentar la concientización ambiental y transformar los hábitos de consumo. Para lograr este objetivo se realiza el análisis de factores espaciales y sociales en dos casos de estudio: los distritos de La Victoria y San Borja, ubicados en la provincia de Lima, Perú. Este análisis cuenta con las siguientes etapas: 1) revisión de literatura, 2) recolección de información de fuentes primarias y 3) adaptación de un modelo de nivel de madurez. En primer lugar, se realiza la revisión de otros estudios a nivel nacional a internacional para identificar las estrategias aplicadas en otros contextos geográficos. Después, para reconocer el involucramiento de la población en los programas, se aplica una encuesta de caracter cualitativo y cuantitativo en ambos distritos y se realizan entrevistas semiestructuradas a miembros de asociaciones de reciclaje y autoridades municipales. Así, se obtiene una caracterización demográfica de la población participante, se identifican los procesos y acciones implementadas, para finalmente construir una matriz de evaluación de nivel de madurez. Como resultado se determina que los programas del distrito de La Victoria y San Borja se encuentran en un nivel de madurez medio y medio alto respectivamente. Ello, en consecuencia, de la alta frecuencia de cambios en cargos institucionales, la centralización de actividades de concientización ambiental en ciertos sectores, la carencia de uso de herramientas de monitoreo y la ausencia de análisis
espacial para la determinación de sectores con mayor potencial de participación.
The main objective of this research is to build a tool that facilitates the comprehensive evaluation of source segregation programs, which seek to revalue household solid waste to generate jobs, promote environmental awareness, and transform consumption habits. To achieve this objective, an analysis of spatial and social factors was carried out in two case studies: the districts of La Victoria and San Borja, located in the province of Lima, Peru. This analysis included the following stages: 1) literature review, 2) collection of information from primary sources and 3) adaptation of a maturity level model. First, a review of other national and international studies was carried out to identify strategies applied in other geographical contexts. Then, to understand the involvement of the population in the programs, a qualitative and quantitative survey were applied in both districts and semi-structured interviews were carried out with members of recycling associations and municipal authorities. In this way, a demographic characterization of the participating population was obtained, the processes and actions implemented were identified, and finally a maturity level evaluation matrix was constructed. The study found that the programs in the districts of La Victoria and San Borja are at a medium and medium-high level of maturity, respectively. This is due to the high turnover in institutional positions, the centralization of environmental awareness-raising activities in certain sectors, the lack of use of monitoring tools, and the absence of spatial analysis to determine the sectors with the greatest potential for participation.
The main objective of this research is to build a tool that facilitates the comprehensive evaluation of source segregation programs, which seek to revalue household solid waste to generate jobs, promote environmental awareness, and transform consumption habits. To achieve this objective, an analysis of spatial and social factors was carried out in two case studies: the districts of La Victoria and San Borja, located in the province of Lima, Peru. This analysis included the following stages: 1) literature review, 2) collection of information from primary sources and 3) adaptation of a maturity level model. First, a review of other national and international studies was carried out to identify strategies applied in other geographical contexts. Then, to understand the involvement of the population in the programs, a qualitative and quantitative survey were applied in both districts and semi-structured interviews were carried out with members of recycling associations and municipal authorities. In this way, a demographic characterization of the participating population was obtained, the processes and actions implemented were identified, and finally a maturity level evaluation matrix was constructed. The study found that the programs in the districts of La Victoria and San Borja are at a medium and medium-high level of maturity, respectively. This is due to the high turnover in institutional positions, the centralization of environmental awareness-raising activities in certain sectors, the lack of use of monitoring tools, and the absence of spatial analysis to determine the sectors with the greatest potential for participation.
Gestión integrada de residuos--Aspectos ambientales--Perú--San Borja (Lima : Distrito)--Estudio de casos, Gestión integrada de residuos--Aspectos ambientales--Perú--La Víctoria (Lima : Distrito)--Estudio de casos, Hogares--Perú--San Borja (Lima : Distrito), Hogares--Perú--La Víctoria (Lima : Distrito)
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