Revisión y propuestas de modificación al Reglamento sobre los llamados a revisión (Recall): Hacia una comunicación adaptada al contexto digital
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Acceso al texto completo solo para la Comunidad PUCP
Este artículo analiza el Decreto Supremo N° 050-2016-PCM, Reglamento que
establece el procedimiento de comunicación de advertencias y alertas de los
riesgos no previstos de productos o servicios colocados en el mercado que
afecten la salud y/o seguridad de los consumidores, que – a pesar de haber sido
promulgado en 2016 – no ha sido actualizado, lo que plantea la necesidad de
adaptar sus disposiciones a la transformación digital de los hábitos de consumo.
A través de una evaluación crítica, destacamos la falta de un orden de prioridad
claro de los medios de comunicación que los proveedores deben utilizar para
informar sobre recalls, lo que podría limitar el alcance de las campañas de recall.
En particular, la exclusión de los medios digitales (como las redes sociales, por
ejemplo) que deben ser priorizados frente a los medios tradicionales (televisión,
radio y prensa escrita), ya que reflejan mejor los patrones actuales de consumo
de información de los peruanos.
En este trabajo proponemos una modificación del artículo 12 del Reglamento,
estableciendo un orden de prioridad de medios de comunicación más adecuada
al contexto digital, de manera que los proveedores puedan lograr una difusión
más efectiva de los recalls. Además, se resalta la importancia de un plazo
mínimo razonable para las campañas publicitarias y la necesidad de contar con
medios probatorios para demostrar el cumplimiento de la normativa.
Finalmente, se sugiere que las modificaciones propuestas garanticen el
cumplimiento del deber de información, maximizando el alcance de las medidas
correctivas a través de una comunicación más eficiente a los consumidores y
adaptada a las nuevas realidades del mercado.
This article provides an analysis of Supreme Decree No. 050-2016-PCM, a regulatory instrument that establishes the procedure for communicating warnings and alerts regarding unforeseen risks associated with products or services that are placed on the market and that may affect consumers’ health and/or safety. Despite having been enacted in 2016, the decree has not been updated, raising the need to adapt its provisions to the digital transformation in consumers' consumption habits. Through a critical assessment, we identify a lack of clear prioritization of media outlets through which suppliers must communicate about product recalls, a limitation which could affect the reach of recall campaigns. In particular, the exclusion of digital media, such as social networks, is a notable omission. These platforms should be prioritized over traditional media (television, radio, and print media) given their superior alignment with the current information consumption patterns of Peruvians. This paper proposes a modification of Article 12 of the Regulation, establishing a hierarchy of media more appropriate to the digital context. This would enable providers to achieve a more effective dissemination of the recalls. Furthermore, it is imperative to establish a reasonable minimum timeframe for advertising campaigns and to implement evidentiary means to demonstrate compliance with the regulation. Finally, it is recommended that the proposed amendments ensure compliance with the duty of information, maximizing the scope of corrective measures through more efficient communication to consumers and adapted to the new market realities.
This article provides an analysis of Supreme Decree No. 050-2016-PCM, a regulatory instrument that establishes the procedure for communicating warnings and alerts regarding unforeseen risks associated with products or services that are placed on the market and that may affect consumers’ health and/or safety. Despite having been enacted in 2016, the decree has not been updated, raising the need to adapt its provisions to the digital transformation in consumers' consumption habits. Through a critical assessment, we identify a lack of clear prioritization of media outlets through which suppliers must communicate about product recalls, a limitation which could affect the reach of recall campaigns. In particular, the exclusion of digital media, such as social networks, is a notable omission. These platforms should be prioritized over traditional media (television, radio, and print media) given their superior alignment with the current information consumption patterns of Peruvians. This paper proposes a modification of Article 12 of the Regulation, establishing a hierarchy of media more appropriate to the digital context. This would enable providers to achieve a more effective dissemination of the recalls. Furthermore, it is imperative to establish a reasonable minimum timeframe for advertising campaigns and to implement evidentiary means to demonstrate compliance with the regulation. Finally, it is recommended that the proposed amendments ensure compliance with the duty of information, maximizing the scope of corrective measures through more efficient communication to consumers and adapted to the new market realities.
Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú, Comportamiento del consumidor--Perú, Publicidad en Internet--Perú, Salud pública--Perú
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