Hacia la consolidación de la tutela de derechos: aspectos dogmáticos y procesales de la Sentencia Interlocutoria Denegatoria a partir del precedente Vásquez Romero
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La revisión constitucional de los casos judiciales comprende el ejercicio de los
derechos y garantías procesales de las personas. En nuestro país, el Tribunal
Constitucional -como una alta corte- procura otorgar una tutela objetiva y
subjetiva de derechos fundamentales a partir del uso de la herramienta jurídica
del derecho procesal constitucional. Sin embargo, la tutela constitucional
enfrenta diversos desafíos que ameritan el uso de otras herramientas jurídicas
por parte del máximo ente constitucional. A partir de la presente investigación,
se puede concluir que la introducción de la sentencia interlocutoria denegatoria
-a través del precedente Vásquez Romero- a nuestro sistema jurídico significa la
plena vigencia y el correcto ejercicio del orden constitucional en nuestro país.
The constitutional review of judicial cases includes the exercise of the rights and procedural guarantees of individuals. In our country, the Constitutional Court -as a high court- seeks to grant an objective and subjective protection of fundamental rights from the use of the legal tool of constitutional procedural law. However, constitutional protection faces various challenges that warrant the use of other legal tools by the highest constitutional entity. From the present investigation, it can be concluded that the introduction of the refusal interlocutory sentence - through the precedent Vásquez Romero- to our legal system means the full validity and the correct exercise of the constitutional order in our country.
The constitutional review of judicial cases includes the exercise of the rights and procedural guarantees of individuals. In our country, the Constitutional Court -as a high court- seeks to grant an objective and subjective protection of fundamental rights from the use of the legal tool of constitutional procedural law. However, constitutional protection faces various challenges that warrant the use of other legal tools by the highest constitutional entity. From the present investigation, it can be concluded that the introduction of the refusal interlocutory sentence - through the precedent Vásquez Romero- to our legal system means the full validity and the correct exercise of the constitutional order in our country.
Derecho procesal constitucional--Perú, Perú. Tribunal Constitucional--Jurisprudencia
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