Proyecto de Innovación: diseño de un paquete de servicios priorizados de intermediación laboral para enfrentar la inadecuada prestación de los servicios de intermediación laboral que brinda el Centro de Empleo a Jóvenes entre 14 A 29 años de Lima Metropolitana durante el periodo 2018 – 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El Centro de Empleo es una estrategia de promoción laboral implementada
por el Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo en las 24 regiones del país desde
el año 2012, tiene como principal objetivo lograr la inserción laboral de la población;
asimismo, brinda a sus usuarios las herramientas necesarias para mejorar sus niveles
de empleabilidad, y finalmente promueve la generación aptitudes para el
El Centro de Empleo brinda 11 servicios dirigidos a ciudadanos, jóvenes y
escolares y 1 servicio dirigido a empresas, todos ellos de manera articulada mediante el
uso de tecnologías de la información. Los servicios que se encuentran vinculados
directamente a la inserción laboral son los de Bolsa de Trabajo, Asesoría para la
Búsqueda de Empleo, Certificado Único Laboral – CERTIJOVEN y Acercamiento
En ese sentido, de la revisión de información estadística, diversos estudios
realizados y entrevistas realizadas a funcionarios del Ministerio de Trabajo y
Promoción del Empleo se identificó como problema público la inadecuada prestación
de los servicios de intermediación laboral que brinda el Centro de Empleo a los
jóvenes. Producto del análisis de las causas identificadas se reformulo el problema
identificado de la siguiente quedando redactado de la siguiente manera: Los jóvenes
que acceden al Centro de empleo requieren de un paquete de servicios que permita
mejorar sus competencias porque actualmente presentan dificultades para su
intermediación laboral.
En ese sentido, el presente trabajo de investigación se encuentra orientado a
mejorar los niveles de inserción laboral que tiene el centro de empleo, promoviendo la
generación de tres paquetes de servicios priorizados teniendo en consideración las
necesidades de empleabilidad de los jóvenes usuarios, buscando de esta manera que
el joven reciba una atención integral que cumpla sus expectativas, mejorando sus
niveles de empleabilidad e incrementando sus posibilidades de ser insertado
El prototipo de innovación sería de agrado de los usuarios del Centro de
Empleo toda vez que les ofrece un servicio diferenciado, integral, brindando diferentes
alternativas para cada tipo de usuario que acude , beneficiando tanto a los jóvenes
como a las empresas usuarias , ya que se intermediará postulantes adecuados, que
cuenten con las herramientas necesarias y las habilidades transversales mínimas
requeridas por las empresas, lo cual garantizará que las empresas se sientan
satisfechas con el servicio que brinda el Centro de Empleo y lo utilicen como un
servicio útil para sus procesos de reclutamiento y selección de personal.
Finalmente la implementación del prototipo de innovación es factible toda vez
que el Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo cuenta con las competencias
necesarias para el diseño de los paquetes de servicios priorizados y la formulación y
aprobación de las normativas necesarias para su implementación.
De igual manera su implementación puede realizarse de manera articulada
con el financiamiento de diversos proyectos que cuentan con recursos de entidades
como el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID o el Fondo Nacional de
Capacitación Laboral y de Promoción del Empleo, que han acompañado al Centro de
Empleo desde su creación.
The Centro de Empleo is a labor promotion strategy implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion in the 24 regions of the country since 2012, its main objective is to achieve the labor insertion of the population; It provides, its users with the necessary tools to improve their levels of employability, and promotes the generation of skills for entrepreneurship. The Employment Center provides 11 services aimed at citizens, young people and schoolchildren and 1 service aimed at companies, all of them in an articulated way through the use of information technologies. The services that are directly linked to labor insertion are Bolsa de Trabajo, Asesoria para la Busqueda de Empleo, Certificado Unico Laboral - CERTIJOVEN and Acercamiento Empresarial. In this sense, from the review of statistical information, various studies carried out and interviews with officials of the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion, the inadequate provision of labor intermediation services provided by the Centro de Empleo to young people was identified as a public problem. . As a result of the analysis of the identified causes, the identified problem was reformulated as follows: Young people who access the Centro de Empleo require a package of services that allow them to improve their skills because they currently have difficulties in their job placement. In this sense, this research work is aimed to improve the levels of labor insertion that the center has, promoting the generation of three prioritized service packages taking into account the employability needs of young users, seeking in this way that the young person receives comprehensive care that meets their expectations, improving their levels of employability and increasing their chances of being inserted into the labor market. The innovation prototype would be like by the users of the Centro de Empleo since it offers them a differentiated, comprehensive service, offering different alternatives for each type of user who attends, benefiting both young people and user companies, since It will mediate suitable applicants, who have the necessary tools and the minimum transversal skills required by companies, which will guarantee that companies feel satisfied with the service provided by the Centro de Empleo and use it as a useful service for their recruitment processes and personnel selection. Finally, the implementation of the innovation prototype is feasible since the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion has the necessary competencies for the design of prioritized service packages and the formulation and approval of the regulations necessary for their implementation. In the same way, its implementation can be carried out in an articulated way with the financing of various projects that have resources from entities such as the Inter-American Development Bank - IDB or the National Fund for Labor Training and Employment Promotion, which have accompanied the Centro de Empleo since its inception.
The Centro de Empleo is a labor promotion strategy implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion in the 24 regions of the country since 2012, its main objective is to achieve the labor insertion of the population; It provides, its users with the necessary tools to improve their levels of employability, and promotes the generation of skills for entrepreneurship. The Employment Center provides 11 services aimed at citizens, young people and schoolchildren and 1 service aimed at companies, all of them in an articulated way through the use of information technologies. The services that are directly linked to labor insertion are Bolsa de Trabajo, Asesoria para la Busqueda de Empleo, Certificado Unico Laboral - CERTIJOVEN and Acercamiento Empresarial. In this sense, from the review of statistical information, various studies carried out and interviews with officials of the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion, the inadequate provision of labor intermediation services provided by the Centro de Empleo to young people was identified as a public problem. . As a result of the analysis of the identified causes, the identified problem was reformulated as follows: Young people who access the Centro de Empleo require a package of services that allow them to improve their skills because they currently have difficulties in their job placement. In this sense, this research work is aimed to improve the levels of labor insertion that the center has, promoting the generation of three prioritized service packages taking into account the employability needs of young users, seeking in this way that the young person receives comprehensive care that meets their expectations, improving their levels of employability and increasing their chances of being inserted into the labor market. The innovation prototype would be like by the users of the Centro de Empleo since it offers them a differentiated, comprehensive service, offering different alternatives for each type of user who attends, benefiting both young people and user companies, since It will mediate suitable applicants, who have the necessary tools and the minimum transversal skills required by companies, which will guarantee that companies feel satisfied with the service provided by the Centro de Empleo and use it as a useful service for their recruitment processes and personnel selection. Finally, the implementation of the innovation prototype is feasible since the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion has the necessary competencies for the design of prioritized service packages and the formulation and approval of the regulations necessary for their implementation. In the same way, its implementation can be carried out in an articulated way with the financing of various projects that have resources from entities such as the Inter-American Development Bank - IDB or the National Fund for Labor Training and Employment Promotion, which have accompanied the Centro de Empleo since its inception.
Jóvenes--Empleo--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Juventud--Empleo--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Mercado de trabajo--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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