El desarrollo de la competencia lectora mediante el uso de cuentos en estudiantes de 3o de Primaria de una Institución pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar de qué manera los docentes
desarrollan la competencia lectora a través de la lectura de cuentos en estudiantes del
tercer grado de primaria de un colegio público de Lima Metropolitana. Según la
Evaluación Censal realizada por el Ministerio de Educación del Perú en el 2019, en
comparación a los resultados obtenidos en el 2016 se reflejó una disminución del nivel
de comprensión lectora que afectó a todas las capacidades: obtiene información,
infiere e interpreta, reflexiona y evalúa la forma, el contenido y contexto del texto. Con
la finalidad de investigar el desarrollo de la competencia lectora mediante el cuento,
la investigación presenta un enfoque cualitativo y un nivel descriptivo. Para tal fin, se
analizaron las categorías: la competencia lectora en el nivel primaria y el desarrollo de
la competencia lectora por medio del cuento. A partir de la aplicación de los
instrumentos de investigación, tales como la entrevista y la observación se conocieron
las concepciones y el trabajo docente en relación al desarrollo de la competencia
lectora por medio del cuento. En las conclusiones se evidencia que, para desarrollar
la competencia lectora, no solo es necesario las concepciones de los docentes, sino
que es importante la adecuada aplicación de sus prácticas pedagógicas y actitudes, a
su vez, es esencial la selección pertinente de los cuentos en relación a las
necesidades y características de los estudiantes, puesto que contribuye la adquisición
de la competencia lectora de manera sencilla, eficaz e integral para los educandos.
This research aims to determine how teachers develop reading competence through story reading in third grade students of a public school in Metropolitan Lima. According to the Census Evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Education of Peru in 2019, compared to the results obtained in 2016, a decrease in the level of reading comprehension was reflected that affected all abilities: obtain information, infer and interpret, reflects on and evaluates the form, content, and context of the text. In order to investigate the development of reading competence through the story, the research presents a qualitative approach and a descriptive level. For this purpose, the categories were analyzed: reading competence at the primary level and the development of reading competence through the story. From the application of the research instruments, such as the interview and the observation, the conceptions and the teaching work in relation to the development of reading competence through the story were known. The conclusions show that to develop reading competence, not only the teachers' conceptions are necessary, but it is also important the adequate application of their pedagogical practices and attitudes, in turn, the relevant selection of the stories in relation to the needs and characteristics of the students is essential, since all this contributes to the acquisition of reading competence in a simple, effective and comprehensive for students.
This research aims to determine how teachers develop reading competence through story reading in third grade students of a public school in Metropolitan Lima. According to the Census Evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Education of Peru in 2019, compared to the results obtained in 2016, a decrease in the level of reading comprehension was reflected that affected all abilities: obtain information, infer and interpret, reflects on and evaluates the form, content, and context of the text. In order to investigate the development of reading competence through the story, the research presents a qualitative approach and a descriptive level. For this purpose, the categories were analyzed: reading competence at the primary level and the development of reading competence through the story. From the application of the research instruments, such as the interview and the observation, the conceptions and the teaching work in relation to the development of reading competence through the story were known. The conclusions show that to develop reading competence, not only the teachers' conceptions are necessary, but it is also important the adequate application of their pedagogical practices and attitudes, in turn, the relevant selection of the stories in relation to the needs and characteristics of the students is essential, since all this contributes to the acquisition of reading competence in a simple, effective and comprehensive for students.
Comprensión de lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria)--Perú--Lima, Libros y lectura para niños, Cuentos infantiles
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