La interpretación del artículo XX del GATT y la discriminación arbitraria o injustificada: una revisión a partir del caso Brasil-neumáticos remoldeados
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La participación de los Estados en los Acuerdos Comerciales Regionales y en el sistema multilateral del comercio representado por la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) puede dar lugar a un posible conflicto de obligaciones internacionales tal como sucedió en el caso Brasil-neumáticos remoldeados. En el año 2000, Brasil prohibió la concesión de licencias de importación de neumáticos remoldeados y usados. Dicha medida fue declarada incompatible con la normativa del Mercosur por un Tribunal Arbitral Ad hoc de dicho acuerdo comercial regional. Como consecuencia de tal decisión, Brasil eliminó dicha prohibición y estableció en el artículo 40 de la Portaría SECEX 14/04, conocida también como la Exención del MERCOSUR, que sólo se otorgarían licencias de importación para neumáticos remoldeados originarios y procedentes de los Estados Miembros del MERCOSUR. La adopción de esta medida generó que la Comunidad Europea iniciara contra Brasil un procedimiento de solución de diferencias ante la OMC, alegando la violación de diversas disposiciones del GATT de 1994.
Esta tesis analiza cómo la Exención del MERCOSUR, que fue adoptada como resultado de la decisión de un órgano jurisdiccional regional, pudo haberse justificado al amparo del preámbulo del artículo XX del GATT, al no aplicarse de una forma que daba lugar a una discriminación arbitraria o injustificable. En este sentido, teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias especiales de este caso, en aplicación del principio de armonización, el Órgano de Apelación pudo haber interpretado el preámbulo del artículo XX del GATT de conformidad con la decisión del tribunal arbitral regional y de las obligaciones internacionales asumidas por el Gobierno del Brasil en el ámbito del MERCOSUR.
Este trabajo evalúa la importancia y los principales criterios que componen el preámbulo del artículo XX del GATT. Asimismo, se analiza de qué manera el tribunal regional del MERCOSUR y los órganos resolutivos de la OMC se han pronunciado respecto a medidas restrictivas a la importación de neumáticos como es el caso de la Exención del MERCOSUR. Finalmente, se estudia la existencia de doctrinas como la de la interpretación consistente o la armonización tanto en el ámbito regional como en el multilateral, y la forma cómo dichas doctrinas promueven, siempre que sea posible y necesario, una armonización entre las obligaciones multilaterales como las existentes en el marco de la OMC, con las decisiones y obligaciones derivadas de un acuerdo comercial regional.
En el caso materia de análisis, se concluye que la aplicación del principio de armonización era válida porque se ha establecido que en la evaluación de los conceptos de discriminación arbitraria e injustificable previstos en el preámbulo del artículo XX del GATT, se pueden tomar en consideración otros factores adicionales teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza de la medida en litigio.
The participation of States in Regional Trade Agreements and in the multilateral trading system represented by the World Trade Organization (WTO) can give rise to a possible conflict of international obligations as it happened in the case of Brazil — Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tires. In 2000, Brazil prohibited the granting of import licenses of retreaded and used tires. A MERCOSUR Ad Hoc Arbitral Tribunal considered that this measure was incompatible with MERCOSUR law. As a result of this decision, Brazil eliminated the prohibition and Article 40 of the Portaría SECEX 14/04, also known as the MERCOSUR exemption, provided that import licenses would only be granted for retreaded tires coming from and originating in MERCOSUR Member States. The adoption of this measure gave rise to a complaint brought by the European Community against Brazil under the WTO dispute settlement system. The European Community claimed that Brazil breached several provisions of the GATT of 1994. This thesis analyzes how the MERCOSUR exemption, which was adopted as a result of a decision of a jurisdictional regional body, could have been justified under the framework of Article XX of the GATT, since it was not applied in a manner that resulted in arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination. In this sense, taking into account the special circumstances of this case, on the basis of the principle of harmonization, the Appellate Body could have interpreted the preamble of Article XX of the GATT in accordance with the decision of the regional arbitral tribunal and the international obligations assumed by the Government of Brazil in MERCOSUR. This thesis assesses the importance and the main criteria laid down in the preamble of Article XX of the GATT. Also, it analyzes the manner in which the regional tribunal in MERCOSUR and the WTO decision-making bodies ruled about the restrictive measures on the importation of tires such as the MERCOSUR exemption. Finally, this paper studies the existence of doctrines such as consistent interpretation and harmonization at the regional and multilateral level, and the manner in which they promote, whenever possible and necessary, a harmonization between multilateral obligations, for example, those obligations with the framework of the WTO, and decisions and obligations under a regional trade agreement. The thesis concludes that the application of the principle of harmonization was valid because, as it has been demonstrated, in the assessment of the concepts of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination provided for in the preamble of Article XX of the GATT, additional factors can be taken into account considering the nature of the measure at issue.
The participation of States in Regional Trade Agreements and in the multilateral trading system represented by the World Trade Organization (WTO) can give rise to a possible conflict of international obligations as it happened in the case of Brazil — Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tires. In 2000, Brazil prohibited the granting of import licenses of retreaded and used tires. A MERCOSUR Ad Hoc Arbitral Tribunal considered that this measure was incompatible with MERCOSUR law. As a result of this decision, Brazil eliminated the prohibition and Article 40 of the Portaría SECEX 14/04, also known as the MERCOSUR exemption, provided that import licenses would only be granted for retreaded tires coming from and originating in MERCOSUR Member States. The adoption of this measure gave rise to a complaint brought by the European Community against Brazil under the WTO dispute settlement system. The European Community claimed that Brazil breached several provisions of the GATT of 1994. This thesis analyzes how the MERCOSUR exemption, which was adopted as a result of a decision of a jurisdictional regional body, could have been justified under the framework of Article XX of the GATT, since it was not applied in a manner that resulted in arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination. In this sense, taking into account the special circumstances of this case, on the basis of the principle of harmonization, the Appellate Body could have interpreted the preamble of Article XX of the GATT in accordance with the decision of the regional arbitral tribunal and the international obligations assumed by the Government of Brazil in MERCOSUR. This thesis assesses the importance and the main criteria laid down in the preamble of Article XX of the GATT. Also, it analyzes the manner in which the regional tribunal in MERCOSUR and the WTO decision-making bodies ruled about the restrictive measures on the importation of tires such as the MERCOSUR exemption. Finally, this paper studies the existence of doctrines such as consistent interpretation and harmonization at the regional and multilateral level, and the manner in which they promote, whenever possible and necessary, a harmonization between multilateral obligations, for example, those obligations with the framework of the WTO, and decisions and obligations under a regional trade agreement. The thesis concludes that the application of the principle of harmonization was valid because, as it has been demonstrated, in the assessment of the concepts of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination provided for in the preamble of Article XX of the GATT, additional factors can be taken into account considering the nature of the measure at issue.
Derecho internacional económico., Derecho comercial internacional., Integración económica.
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