Implementación de estrategias para optimizar los procesos de admisión de la Escuela de Oficiales de la Policía Nacional del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
La transparencia, los procesos éticos, la ejecución presupuestaria y la planificación,
son elementos de suma importancia para el planteamiento de una posible
optimización de las estrategias regulares de abordaje del proceso de admisión PNP.
Esto puede lograrse desde un enfoque innovador que contribuya a mejorar el
funcionamiento de la Escuela de Oficiales de la Policía Nacional del Perú (EO –
PNP), promoviendo el mejor desempeño posible en lo que respecta a dicho servicio,
lo cual permitirá recobrar la confianza de la población y de los postulantes a la EO
PNP, así como el prestigio y la imagen pública de la institución policial peruana
como organización tutelar del Estado, transformando procesos en los cuales se
cumpla puntual y eficientemente los plazos de las fechas de los exámenes, además
de que se cumpla efectivamente la realización de los exámenes que se han
determinado en las directivas sobre el particular, además de que los postulantes
tenga pleno conocimiento de las ventajas y beneficios que ofrece la carrera policial
a todos los postulantes hombres y mujeres en referencia a otras Escuelas de
formación como las similares de las Fuerzas Armadas del Perú, así como las
diferentes Universidades públicas y privadas, toda vez que la razón de ser de la
Policía Nacional del Perú (PNP), es brindar el servicio de mantener el orden público.
Mismos que deben ser de gran calidad y que coadyuven a disminuir
considerablemente los índices de victimización y de sensación de inseguridad,
fortaleciendo la seguridad ciudadana, en donde el valor agregado al servicio policial
sería la alta formación y capacitación de nuestros miembros policiales durante su
permanencia en el seno de la Alma Mater de la PNP para que cuando salgan a
trabajar en las calles puedan desempeñarse profesional y éticamente al servicio de
la sociedad, demostrando en todo momento el perfil de policía que la sociedad tanto
requiere, que los delitos y faltas sean reducidos al mínimo, influyendo enormemente
en la percepción de inseguridad ciudadana. Se ha podido observar que durante los
procesos llevados a cabo en los años 2017-2018 y 2019, no se han venido
cumpliendo cabalmente los plazos plasmados en las directivas de admisión y
prospecto de requisitos. En ese orden de ideas, los investigadores se propusieron
como objetivo elaborar un aporte innovador que permita aumentar la calidad del
proceso de ingreso de los postulantes a las Escuelas de la PNP, que nos permita priorizar la calidad y no la cantidad de los interesados en ser admitidos en la Escuela
de Oficiales (EO-PNP), sustentado a partir de una mayor exposición pública y
control interinstitucional respecto al ingreso de postulantes, procesos éticos, y el
uso de recursos digitales. Estos factores posibilitarán mejorar los servicios
policiales, que la sociedad peruana tanto requiere y exige.
Transparency, ethical processes, budget execution and planning are extremely important elements for a proposal of a possible optimization of the regular strategies to approach the police admission process. This can be reached from a focus on innovation that can contribute to enhance the functioning of the Officials School of Police Officers (known in Spanish as EO-PNP), promoting the best possible performance of this service, which will allow to regain the trust of the population and applicants to the EESTP-PNP, as well as the prestige and public image of the National Police of Peru as a organization that protects the state, transforming processes in which the deadlines for the dates of the examinations, in addition to the fact that the examinations that have been determined in the directives on the subject are effectively carried out, in addition to the applicants having full knowledge of the advantages and benefits that the police career offers to all male and female applicants in reference to other training schools such as similar ones in the Armed Forces s of Peru, as well as the different public and private universities, since the raison d'être of the National Police of Peru (PNP) is to provide the service of maintaining public order. They must be of high quality and that contribute to considerably reduce the indices of victimization and feelings of insecurity, strengthening citizen security, where the added value to the police service would be the high education and training of our police members during their stay in within the Alma Mater of the PNP so that when they go out to work in the streets they can perform professionally and ethically at the service of society, demonstrating at all times the profile of police that society so requires, that crimes and misdemeanours are reduced to a minimum, greatly influencing the perception of citizen insecurity. It has been observed that during the processes carried out in the years 2017- 2018 and 2019, the deadlines set out in the admission directives and requirements prospectus have not been fully met. In that order of ideas, the researchers set out to develop an innovative contribution that allows increasing the quality of the Police Schools’ admission process to prioritize the quality and not the quantity of those interested in being admitted to the Superior Technical School of Police Officers, supported by a bigger public exposition and interinstitutional control of the acceptance of candidates, ethical processes, and the use of digital resources. These factors will allow the improvement of police services, which Peruvian society requires and demands.
Transparency, ethical processes, budget execution and planning are extremely important elements for a proposal of a possible optimization of the regular strategies to approach the police admission process. This can be reached from a focus on innovation that can contribute to enhance the functioning of the Officials School of Police Officers (known in Spanish as EO-PNP), promoting the best possible performance of this service, which will allow to regain the trust of the population and applicants to the EESTP-PNP, as well as the prestige and public image of the National Police of Peru as a organization that protects the state, transforming processes in which the deadlines for the dates of the examinations, in addition to the fact that the examinations that have been determined in the directives on the subject are effectively carried out, in addition to the applicants having full knowledge of the advantages and benefits that the police career offers to all male and female applicants in reference to other training schools such as similar ones in the Armed Forces s of Peru, as well as the different public and private universities, since the raison d'être of the National Police of Peru (PNP) is to provide the service of maintaining public order. They must be of high quality and that contribute to considerably reduce the indices of victimization and feelings of insecurity, strengthening citizen security, where the added value to the police service would be the high education and training of our police members during their stay in within the Alma Mater of the PNP so that when they go out to work in the streets they can perform professionally and ethically at the service of society, demonstrating at all times the profile of police that society so requires, that crimes and misdemeanours are reduced to a minimum, greatly influencing the perception of citizen insecurity. It has been observed that during the processes carried out in the years 2017- 2018 and 2019, the deadlines set out in the admission directives and requirements prospectus have not been fully met. In that order of ideas, the researchers set out to develop an innovative contribution that allows increasing the quality of the Police Schools’ admission process to prioritize the quality and not the quantity of those interested in being admitted to the Superior Technical School of Police Officers, supported by a bigger public exposition and interinstitutional control of the acceptance of candidates, ethical processes, and the use of digital resources. These factors will allow the improvement of police services, which Peruvian society requires and demands.
Policía Nacional (Perú). Escuela de Oficiales--Admisión, Policía Nacional (Perú). Escuela de Oficiales--Requisitos de ingreso, Policía Nacional (Perú)--Aspectos educativos, Policía Nacional (Perú)--Formación profesional
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