Planeamiento estratégico para el sector de las telecomunicaciones móviles en Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los Sectores de Telecomunicaciones Móviles en el mundo han contribuido de
diferentes maneras al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la sociedad, y como cualquier
sector dinamizador de la economía debe ubicar este aspecto como primordial. Un país
enfocado en desarrollar este Sector tendrá la importante oportunidad de reducir brechas
sociales generando desarrollo para la mayoría de sectores de la economía sin contar lo que
para la población significa la democratización de la información y el conocimiento.
Definitivamente, la sociedad ha migrado a una “Era de la Información” donde esta representa
el principal pilar para su desarrollo.
Colombia en busca de desarrollo, no ha sido ajeno a ello y su Sector de
Telecomunicaciones Móviles representa un sector atractivo de análisis. El presente proyecto
ha sido enfocado al desarrollo de un Plan Estratégico del Sector de las Telecomunicaciones
Móviles en Colombia y su desarrollo metodológico se hizo a partir de El Proceso
Estratégico: Un Enfoque de Gerencia del Dr. Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, el cual planteó las
bases para poder alcanzar la visión trazada.
Las estrategias propuestas se enfocan en lograr una mayor asequibilidad de los
servicios, para lo cual Colombia debe trabajar en (a) lograr un marco regulatorio más
competitivo que permita garantizar la inversión y por ende el ingreso de más competidores,
(b) fortalecer su inversión en infraestructura donde claramente se tiene una oportunidad
relevante y obstáculo mayor en el crecimiento del Sector, y (c) el desarrollo de aplicaciones
el cual es limitado en los países sudamericanos y representa una importante oportunidad en
generación de valor agregado del sector productivo en Colombia con un enfoque hacia las
telecomunicaciones. Con un enfoque claro de los esfuerzos del país en estas estrategias, lo
ubicará como pionero a corto o mediano plazo y potencializará su desarrollo económico.
World mobile telecommunications have contributed, in different ways, to the improvement of life quality in our society; hence, as a dynamic sector of the economy, it must place life quality’s improvement as its main priority. Moreover, a committed country on developing this area will have be a greater opportunity of reducing social gaps besides generating the development of most of the economy’s sectors, without mentioning what it means for our society the democratization of information and knowledge. Likewise, our society has definitely migrated to a new era of information which represents the main support for its development. In this context, Colombia has not been indifferent to aim to this goal and thus the mobile telecommunications represent an attractive field for being analyzed. Therefore, this research project focuses on the development of a Strategic Plan for the Colombian mobile Telecommunications sector. As a result, the methodological development was done based on the The Strategic Process: A Management Approach by PhD Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, who settled down the basis for achieving the outlined vision. Furthermore, the strategies proposed are focused on achieving a better access to the services, which means that Colombia must work on accomplishing a more competitive regulatory framework that would grant investment, and so the participation of more competitors; in addition to the strengthening of its infrastructure investment, which clearly has an important prospect to promote the generation of the added value in the Colombian productive sector, focusing on mobile telecommunications. Then, in a few years, Colombia would be recognized as pioneer by having an evident focus on the country's efforts in these strategies though the maximization of our economic development.
World mobile telecommunications have contributed, in different ways, to the improvement of life quality in our society; hence, as a dynamic sector of the economy, it must place life quality’s improvement as its main priority. Moreover, a committed country on developing this area will have be a greater opportunity of reducing social gaps besides generating the development of most of the economy’s sectors, without mentioning what it means for our society the democratization of information and knowledge. Likewise, our society has definitely migrated to a new era of information which represents the main support for its development. In this context, Colombia has not been indifferent to aim to this goal and thus the mobile telecommunications represent an attractive field for being analyzed. Therefore, this research project focuses on the development of a Strategic Plan for the Colombian mobile Telecommunications sector. As a result, the methodological development was done based on the The Strategic Process: A Management Approach by PhD Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, who settled down the basis for achieving the outlined vision. Furthermore, the strategies proposed are focused on achieving a better access to the services, which means that Colombia must work on accomplishing a more competitive regulatory framework that would grant investment, and so the participation of more competitors; in addition to the strengthening of its infrastructure investment, which clearly has an important prospect to promote the generation of the added value in the Colombian productive sector, focusing on mobile telecommunications. Then, in a few years, Colombia would be recognized as pioneer by having an evident focus on the country's efforts in these strategies though the maximization of our economic development.
Telecomunicaciones--Colombia, Telefonía celular--Colombia, Planificación estratégica
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