Valorización de empresas Enel Distribución Perú S.A.A y Luz del Sur S.A.A
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El sector eléctrico es un componente muy importante para el crecimiento de todo país
pues ello implica que muchas actividades económicas requieran de electricidad para sus
procesos productivos logrando impulsar el desarrollo del país. Además, aquellos servicios
también son indispensables para las poblaciones ya que generan mejoras en la calidad de vida
pues permite una mejor asistencia sanitaria, educativa, de telecomunicación entre otros. De
ahí que haya una fuerte relación entre este sector y el crecimiento de un país.
En el Perú, este sector tuvo una notable transformación con las reformas de políticas
de liberalización de la economía donde el enfoque se centró en regulaciones en el que se
logren la eficiencia energética, es decir mercados competitivos con una buena regulación del
monopolio natural de este servicio, que incrementen las inversiones privadas y se logren
tarifas eficientes para todos los sectores económicos y usuarios finales. Así, el sector eléctrico
peruano a lo largo de los últimos años ha mantenido un crecimiento sostenible destacable
para el progreso del país. El subsector de distribución eléctrica peruana opera bajo el régimen
de monopolio natural y con concesiones de plazo indeterminado, con lo que les permite
ejercer inversiones en desarrollos e infraestructura a largo plazo.
Para el presente trabajo de investigación se ha seleccionado dos empresas líderes del
sector eléctrico en distribución que son: Enel Distribución Perú S.A.A. y Luz del Sur S.A.A.,
quienes mantienen el respaldo de sus casas matriz que también son líderes en Europa y Asia,
con el objetivo de realizar un análisis financiero y valorización comparativa entre las
empresas, ambas con cotizaciones en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima. Dicho estudio comprende
el análisis de los últimos 5 años y se realizó una proyección del valor de estas empresas.
Basado en esa información se establecieron los supuestos adecuados para realizar la
proyección de Estado de Resultados y el Estado de Situación Financiera para los siguientes
cinco años (2023 – 2027). Asimismo, se utilizó el método de flujos descontados para determinar el valor de cada compañía en base a los estados financieros y finalmente, se
realizó un análisis de sensibilidad mediante la evaluación de escenarios pesimistas y
optimistas, el cual asumió variaciones en los niveles de consumo de GWh, pues al ser un
subsector de distribución de energía se considera como la única variable relevante en el
impacto de valoración para ambas empresas ya que estos niveles de consumo están sujetas a
las variaciones del mercado.
The electrical sector is a very important component for the growth of any country since this implies that many economic activities require electricity for their production processes, thus promoting the development of the country. In addition, those services are also essential for the population since they generate improvements in the quality of life as it allows for better healthcare, education, telecommunications, among others. Hence there is a strong relationship between this sector and the growth of a country. In Peru, this sector had a notable transformation with the policy reforms of liberalization of the economy where the focus was centered on regulations in which energy efficiency is achieved, that is, competitive markets with good regulation of natural monopolies of this service, that private investments increase and efficient rates are achieved for all economic sectors and end users. Thus, the Peruvian electricity sector throughout recent years has maintained remarkable sustainable growth for the progress of the country. The Peruvian electricity distribution subsector operates under a natural monopoly regime and with indefinite-term concessions, which allows them to invest in long-term developments and infrastructure. For this research work, two leading companies in the electrical distribution sector have been selected: Enel Distribución Perú S.A.A. and Luz del Sur S.A.A., who maintain the support of their parent companies that are also leaders in Europe and Asia, with the objective of carrying out a financial analysis and comparative valuation between the companies, both with listings on the Lima Stock Exchange. This study includes the analysis of the last 5 years and a projection of the value of these companies. Based on this information, reasonable assumptions were established to carry out the projection of the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet for the next five years (2023 – 2027). Likewise, the discounted cash flow method was used to determine the value of each company based on the financial statements and finally, a sensitivity analysis was carried out by evaluating pessimistic and optimistic scenarios, which assumed variations in the consumption levels of GWh. Given the fact that it is an energy distribution subsector, GWh is considered the only relevant variable in the valuation for both companies since these consumption levels are subject to market variations.
The electrical sector is a very important component for the growth of any country since this implies that many economic activities require electricity for their production processes, thus promoting the development of the country. In addition, those services are also essential for the population since they generate improvements in the quality of life as it allows for better healthcare, education, telecommunications, among others. Hence there is a strong relationship between this sector and the growth of a country. In Peru, this sector had a notable transformation with the policy reforms of liberalization of the economy where the focus was centered on regulations in which energy efficiency is achieved, that is, competitive markets with good regulation of natural monopolies of this service, that private investments increase and efficient rates are achieved for all economic sectors and end users. Thus, the Peruvian electricity sector throughout recent years has maintained remarkable sustainable growth for the progress of the country. The Peruvian electricity distribution subsector operates under a natural monopoly regime and with indefinite-term concessions, which allows them to invest in long-term developments and infrastructure. For this research work, two leading companies in the electrical distribution sector have been selected: Enel Distribución Perú S.A.A. and Luz del Sur S.A.A., who maintain the support of their parent companies that are also leaders in Europe and Asia, with the objective of carrying out a financial analysis and comparative valuation between the companies, both with listings on the Lima Stock Exchange. This study includes the analysis of the last 5 years and a projection of the value of these companies. Based on this information, reasonable assumptions were established to carry out the projection of the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet for the next five years (2023 – 2027). Likewise, the discounted cash flow method was used to determine the value of each company based on the financial statements and finally, a sensitivity analysis was carried out by evaluating pessimistic and optimistic scenarios, which assumed variations in the consumption levels of GWh. Given the fact that it is an energy distribution subsector, GWh is considered the only relevant variable in the valuation for both companies since these consumption levels are subject to market variations.
Empresas eléctricas--Perú, Empresas--Valoración
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