Concepciones y creencias de docentes universitarias sobre el pensamiento crítico y sobre su formación en futuros docentes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación, de corte cualitativo y desde el diseño fenomenológico, tuvo como
objetivo caracterizar las concepciones y creencias sobre el pensamiento crítico y su formación
en docentes universitarios de la especialidad de Educación primaria de una universidad privada
de Lima. Para esto, se entrevistó a cuatro docentes universitarias y sus respuestas se analizaron
desde el paradigma fenomenológico. Las principales concepciones halladas se refieren al
pensamiento crítico (PC) como la expresión de una opinión, una habilidad personal y un
enfoque de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Se encontraron dos posturas sobre el desarrollo del PC:
innato y como un proceso que se inicia desde edad temprana. Todas las docentes reconocen
que cumplen un rol dentro de la formación del PC – la mayoría reconoce cumplir un rol
facilitador– y para ejercerlo consideran necesario contar con competencias docentes
específicas. El estudio también reporta las expectativas, dificultades y beneficios que las
docentes consideran relevantes en esta formación. Se concluye que las docentes han elaborado
distintas concepciones sobre el PC, que distan de lo encontrado en la literatura, y que estas
guardan relación con las creencias y concepciones que mantienen sobre su desarrollo, las cuales
a su vez se vincula con las concepciones y creencias sobre la formación del PC en las aulas
universitarias. Del mismo modo, las docentes resaltan la importancia de trabajar el PC en la
especialidad de educación primaria dado el rol que cumplirán sus estudiantes en el futuro,
aunque las estrategias que plantean no aluden de manera explícita al PC. Finalmente, se señalan
las limitaciones del estudio y sugerencias para futuras investigaciones.
Using a qualitative approach and an epistemological design, this study aimed to characterize the conceptions and beliefs about critical thinking and its formation in university teachers of the specialty of Primary Education of a private university in Lima. For this, four university teachers were interviewed. The results are analyzed from the phenomenological analysis. The main conceptions about critical thinking (CT) were: as the expression of a position or opinion, a personal skill and a teaching and learning approach. Two positions were found on its development: innate and as a process which starts from an early age. All teachers recognize that they fulfill a role in the formation of critical thinking – the majority recognizes to perform the role of facilitator – and to achieve it they need specific teaching competences. The study also reports the expectations, difficulties and benefits that teachers consider relevant in this formation. In conclusion, the conceptions of CT are related with the conceptions and beliefs about CT development, and this is aligned with the conceptions and beliefs about the formation of CT in the higher education. Finally, teachers emphasize the importance of this formation in the specialty of primary education given the role of their students in the future, although the strategies they propose do not explicitly allude to the PC. Finally, the limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are indicated
Using a qualitative approach and an epistemological design, this study aimed to characterize the conceptions and beliefs about critical thinking and its formation in university teachers of the specialty of Primary Education of a private university in Lima. For this, four university teachers were interviewed. The results are analyzed from the phenomenological analysis. The main conceptions about critical thinking (CT) were: as the expression of a position or opinion, a personal skill and a teaching and learning approach. Two positions were found on its development: innate and as a process which starts from an early age. All teachers recognize that they fulfill a role in the formation of critical thinking – the majority recognizes to perform the role of facilitator – and to achieve it they need specific teaching competences. The study also reports the expectations, difficulties and benefits that teachers consider relevant in this formation. In conclusion, the conceptions of CT are related with the conceptions and beliefs about CT development, and this is aligned with the conceptions and beliefs about the formation of CT in the higher education. Finally, teachers emphasize the importance of this formation in the specialty of primary education given the role of their students in the future, although the strategies they propose do not explicitly allude to the PC. Finally, the limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are indicated
Pensamiento crítico--Estudio y enseñanza (Superior), Profesores universitarios--Actitudes, Educación universitaria--Perú--Lima
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