Música Descarada: Plataforma web sobre diseño discográfico para revalorar el diseño gráfico aplicado a proyectos musicales y contribuir a su desarrollo en plataformas musicales de las bandas de rock limeñas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Con la constante digitalización de la música se facilita el acceso a diversos proyectos
artísticos de bandas underground de rock y géneros relacionados. De esta manera el impacto
puede ser considerablemente mayor que décadas atrás, no solo por el contenido sonoro/musical
sino, también por el aspecto visual, evolucionando y convirtiéndose en una parte integral de
cada propuesta que amplía el mensaje y las formas de llegar a su público objetivo.
Pero entre tantas nuevas herramientas muchas bandas que recién inician no encuentran
la forma de centrar los esfuerzos para guiar su propuesta musical al ojo del público, pues centran
casi la totalidad de la atención en el factor musical que descuidan el planeamiento para mostrar
su producto el mundo, el trabajo de imagen para su proyecto, empezando por la pieza más
indispensable; la portada discográfica.
Bajo este concepto se plantea Música Descarada, una plataforma web para la difusión y
concientización de la relevancia del trabajo de imagen en proyectos musicales que permite a
las propuestas emergentes aprovechar al máximo las herramientas digitales en la creación de
una identidad gráfica para sus producciones, en donde se busca el uso óptimo de recursos con
la intención de impulsar nuevos proyectos que buscan crear un nombre en la escena del rock
Así este espacio nace como un punto medio entre el rock y el diseño gráfico,
potenciando el aspecto artístico útil de cada área y dando una mejora en las producciones que
benefician a un público más entusiasmado con lo que puede consumir de la banda y
agrupaciones que tienen un mejor impacto para enriquecer su trabajo sacándolo adelante.
With the constant digitization of music, access to various artistic projects from underground rock bands and related genres is facilitated. This way, the impact can be considerably greater than decades ago, not only due to the sound/musical content but also because of the visual aspect, evolving and becoming an integral part of each proposal that expands the message and ways to reach its target audience. However, among so many new tools, many emergent bands struggle to focus their efforts to guide their musical proposal to the public eye, as they almost entirely concentrate on the musical aspect, neglecting the planning to showcase their product to the world, the work of image for their project, starting with the most essential piece; the album cover. Under this concept, Música Descarada is proposed, a web platform for the dissemination and awareness of the relevance of image work in musical projects, allowing emerging proposals to make the most of digital tools in creating a graphic identity for their productions. Here, the optimal use of resources is sought with the intention of boosting new projects that seek to make a name in the national rock scene. Thus, this space is born as a midpoint between rock music and graphic design, enhancing the useful artistic aspect of each area and providing an improvement in productions that benefits a more enthusiastic audience with what they can consume from the band and groups that have a better impact to enrich their work and move it forward.
With the constant digitization of music, access to various artistic projects from underground rock bands and related genres is facilitated. This way, the impact can be considerably greater than decades ago, not only due to the sound/musical content but also because of the visual aspect, evolving and becoming an integral part of each proposal that expands the message and ways to reach its target audience. However, among so many new tools, many emergent bands struggle to focus their efforts to guide their musical proposal to the public eye, as they almost entirely concentrate on the musical aspect, neglecting the planning to showcase their product to the world, the work of image for their project, starting with the most essential piece; the album cover. Under this concept, Música Descarada is proposed, a web platform for the dissemination and awareness of the relevance of image work in musical projects, allowing emerging proposals to make the most of digital tools in creating a graphic identity for their productions. Here, the optimal use of resources is sought with the intention of boosting new projects that seek to make a name in the national rock scene. Thus, this space is born as a midpoint between rock music and graphic design, enhancing the useful artistic aspect of each area and providing an improvement in productions that benefits a more enthusiastic audience with what they can consume from the band and groups that have a better impact to enrich their work and move it forward.
Diseño gráfico, Música--Industria y comercio, Mercadeo en Internet, Grabaciones sonoras--Portadas de discos
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