Plan de negocios para la comercialización de una línea de embutidos cárnicos con insumos marinos para el consumo masivo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento refiere a la propuesta de un plan de negocios para la
comercialización de embutidos marinos en Lima Metropolitana. Tal idea de negocio surge
ante las necesidades observadas, a través de uso de metodologías ágiles (Design Thinking,
CANVAS Business Model y Lean Startup), en los usuarios de embutidos tradicionales por
opciones más saludables en el mercado.
En ese sentido, se realizó un análisis del entorno externo e interno y de encuestas y
entrevistas acerca de la satisfacción por los embutidos cárnicos que compiten actualmente en
el mercado. Tal análisis fue un insumo clave para poder establecer los planes de acción para
el negocio (comercialización, producción, talento humano, económica y financiera) que se
recomiendan seguir estrictamente para asegurar el éxito del proyecto.
De modo que, el negocio de embutidos con recursos hidrobiológicos pueda operar a
cabalidad, ofreciendo así una variedad de salchichas de atún y chorizos de trucha como
productos diferenciados en comparación a los productos embutidos tradicionales, los cuales
vienen siendo cuestionados por ser dañinos para la salud de las personas.
Finalmente, se ha estimado una inversión total del proyecto, la cual asciende a
S/308,396.79. En específico, tal cantidad se va a componer de un 41% de deuda equivalente a
S/125,730.71 y el 59% de capital de los accionistas igual a S/182,666.08. Y, como resultado
de la evaluación económica y financiera, se obtuvo un VANE de S/495,516.07 y un TIRE de
84.01%, cuyos valores reflejan la rentabilidad y viabilidad del negocio.
This document refers to the proposal of a business plan for the commercialization of marine sausages in Metropolitan Lima. Such a business idea arises from the observed needs, through the use of agile methodologies (Design Thinking, CANVAS Business Model and Lean Startup), in the users of traditional sausages for healthier options in the market. In this sense, an analysis of the external and internal environment and of surveys and interviews about satisfaction with the meat sausages that currently compete in the market was carried out. Such analysis was a key input to be able to establish action plans for the business (commercialization, production, human, economic and financial talent) that it is recommended to strictly follow to ensure the success of the project. Thus, the sausage business with hydrobiological resources can operate fully, thus offering a variety of tuna sausages and trout sausages as differentiated products compared to traditional sausage products, which have been questioned for being harmful to health. of people. Finally, a total investment for the project has been estimated, which amounts to S/308,396.79. Specifically, such amount will be made up of 41% of debt equivalent to S/125,730.71 and 59% of shareholders' capital equal to S/182,666.08. And, as a result of the economic and financial evaluation, a NPV of S/495,516.07 and an EIRR of 84.01% were obtained, whose values reflect the profitability and viability of the business.
This document refers to the proposal of a business plan for the commercialization of marine sausages in Metropolitan Lima. Such a business idea arises from the observed needs, through the use of agile methodologies (Design Thinking, CANVAS Business Model and Lean Startup), in the users of traditional sausages for healthier options in the market. In this sense, an analysis of the external and internal environment and of surveys and interviews about satisfaction with the meat sausages that currently compete in the market was carried out. Such analysis was a key input to be able to establish action plans for the business (commercialization, production, human, economic and financial talent) that it is recommended to strictly follow to ensure the success of the project. Thus, the sausage business with hydrobiological resources can operate fully, thus offering a variety of tuna sausages and trout sausages as differentiated products compared to traditional sausage products, which have been questioned for being harmful to health. of people. Finally, a total investment for the project has been estimated, which amounts to S/308,396.79. Specifically, such amount will be made up of 41% of debt equivalent to S/125,730.71 and 59% of shareholders' capital equal to S/182,666.08. And, as a result of the economic and financial evaluation, a NPV of S/495,516.07 and an EIRR of 84.01% were obtained, whose values reflect the profitability and viability of the business.
Plan de negocios, Planificación estratégica, Pensamiento creativo
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