Experiencias subjetivas de la satisfacción sexual femenina en mujeres adultas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación cualitativa se dirige a analizar las experiencias subjetivas de la
satisfacción sexual femenina en un grupo de mujeres adultas. Se empleó el enfoque
fenomenológico y se realizaron 10 entrevistas semi-estructuradas para cumplir con los
objetivos específicos planteados: a) explorar en los contenidos simbólico-emocionales que
poseen las mujeres acerca de la satisfacción sexual femenina y b) analizar las experiencias
subjetivas de la satisfacción sexual femenina de las mujeres con una pareja sexual y en solitario.
Al organizar los resultados se plantearon dos áreas vinculadas entre sí: a) mis experiencias
entorno a la sexualidad femenina hegemónica y sus normas y b) mi satisfacción sexual. A partir
del análisis, se evidenció que la construcción y vivencia de la satisfacción sexual femenina está
influenciada por discursos, normas y castigos sociales propios del sistema de género patriarcal
que busca mantener las jerarquías de género en el ámbito sexual, lo que tiene implicancia en
las relaciones sexuales que atraviesan desde la primera vez hasta la actualidad, la forma en que
se vinculan con sus cuerpos y la vivencia de la satisfacción sexual con sus parejas. De manera
que la identidad femenina hegemónica, el amor romántico, la des-erotización de sus cuerpos y
otros discursos hegemónicos influyen en la satisfacción sexual femenina. Cabe resaltar que la
satisfacción sexual no es un proceso lineal, sino de aprendizajes donde la resignificación, el
cuestionamiento y el empoderamiento son centrales. Se espera que esta investigación visibilice
la necesidad de fortalecer una visión positiva y holística de la sexualidad femenina con enfoque
de género a nivel social e institucional, que considere la salud sexual y no solo la reproductiva
para propiciar la vivencia de sexualidades saludables, igualitarias y libres de violencia.
This qualitative research aims to analyze subjective experiences about female sexual satisfaction in a group of adult women, from a phenomenological approach. For this, it was developed 10 semi-structured interviews to attain this study’s aims: a) explore symbolic emotional content that adult women have about female sexual satisfaction and b) analyze subjective experiences about female sexual satisfaction in adult women with a sexual partner or by themselves. The results propose two areas mutually related: a) my experiences about hegemonic female sexuality and its rules, and b) my sexual satisfaction. It was found that the way women build and live their sexual satisfaction is influenced by speeches, norms and social punishments from a patriarchal gender system which seeks to keep gender hierarchies in a sexual field. This found has an implication on first sexual relations up to present, the way they involve with their bodies and the sexual satisfaction experiences with their partners. Therefore, hegemonic female identity, romantic love, unlinking body-erotism in their bodies and other hegemonic speeches influence female sexual satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction is not a linear process, but a learning where new meanings, questioning and empowerment are essential. For future research, this study enlightens the need of strengthen a positive and holistic vision of female sexuality with gender perspective at social and institutional levels, considering sexual health and not only reproductive purposes to encourage healthy, egalitarian, and non-violent sexual experiences. Finally, this study fosters more research in Peru that further this problematic slightly studied from women’s voices.
This qualitative research aims to analyze subjective experiences about female sexual satisfaction in a group of adult women, from a phenomenological approach. For this, it was developed 10 semi-structured interviews to attain this study’s aims: a) explore symbolic emotional content that adult women have about female sexual satisfaction and b) analyze subjective experiences about female sexual satisfaction in adult women with a sexual partner or by themselves. The results propose two areas mutually related: a) my experiences about hegemonic female sexuality and its rules, and b) my sexual satisfaction. It was found that the way women build and live their sexual satisfaction is influenced by speeches, norms and social punishments from a patriarchal gender system which seeks to keep gender hierarchies in a sexual field. This found has an implication on first sexual relations up to present, the way they involve with their bodies and the sexual satisfaction experiences with their partners. Therefore, hegemonic female identity, romantic love, unlinking body-erotism in their bodies and other hegemonic speeches influence female sexual satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction is not a linear process, but a learning where new meanings, questioning and empowerment are essential. For future research, this study enlightens the need of strengthen a positive and holistic vision of female sexuality with gender perspective at social and institutional levels, considering sexual health and not only reproductive purposes to encourage healthy, egalitarian, and non-violent sexual experiences. Finally, this study fosters more research in Peru that further this problematic slightly studied from women’s voices.
Mujeres--Conducta sexual, Sexualidad, Feminismo, Mujeres--Perú--Investigaciones, Empoderamiento
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