El rol docente en el desarrollo de la autonomía emocional de los estudiantes del nivel primario de EBR en una institución educativa pública en el marco de la educación a distancia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El rol docente en medio de una situación pandémica como la que se encuentra vigente
no atiende únicamente a desarrollar aspectos convencionales de aprendizaje, sino
que exige al docente desarrollar competencias en sus estudiantes para que puedan
desenvolverse en situaciones cada día más cambiantes. En función a ello, este
estudio analiza el rol docente como mediador del aprendizaje en el desarrollo de la
autonomía emocional de estudiantes de nivel primario de EBR en el marco de la
educación a distancia. La metodología de este estudio es de carácter cualitativo, se
ubica en el nivel descriptivo y el método aplicado es el estudio de caso, con el
propósito de ahondar en la situación particular que se desarrolla en la institución
educativa, dentro de la cual se consideró a siete docentes informantes. La
fundamentación se ha establecido en función a categorías relacionadas al rol docente
en el marco de la educación a distancia y las dimensiones y factores que permiten el
desarrollo de la autonomía emocional. La propuesta desarrolló dos instrumentos para
la recolección de datos que puedan facilitar las docentes informantes en las
entrevistas, así como para las observaciones de sus clases. Los resultados permiten
denotar que existen nociones de los docentes por desarrollar aspectos emocionales y
que existe una predisposición a querer abordar estos tópicos; sin embargo, esto no
implica que las actividades o acciones pedagógicas estén orientadas al desarrollo de
la competencia de autonomía emocional de los estudiantes. Se concluye que los
docentes puedan seguir explorando sobre la rama de las competencias emocionales,
compartiendo las acciones que realizan específicamente en torno al desarrollo
emocional de sus estudiantes, pues su rol es fundamental para conseguir que las
competencias emocionales puedan evidenciarse en los alumnos.
The teaching role during a pandemic situation such as the one currently in force does not only focus on developing conventional aspects of learning but requires the teacher to develop skills in their students so that they can cope with increasingly changing situations. Based on this, this study analyzes the teaching role as a mediator of learning in the development of emotional autonomy of EBR primary-level students in the framework of distance education. The methodology of this study is qualitative in nature, it is located at the descriptive level and the method applied is the case study with the purpose of delving into the situation that develops in the selected educational institution, within which it was considered to seven key informants for the present. The foundation has been established based on categories related to the teaching role in the framework of distance education and the dimensions and factors that allow the development of emotional autonomy. The proposal of two instruments for the collection of data and information that the informant teachers can facilitate, as well as the analysis of the observations of their classes. The results obtained allow us to denote that there are notions of teachers to develop emotional aspects and that there is a predisposition to want to address these topics; However, this does not imply that the pedagogical activities or actions are aimed at developing the students' emotional autonomy competence. It is concluded that teachers can continue exploring the branch of emotional competences, sharing the actions they carry out specifically around the emotional development of their students, since their role is fundamental to ensure that emotional competencies can be evidenced in students.
The teaching role during a pandemic situation such as the one currently in force does not only focus on developing conventional aspects of learning but requires the teacher to develop skills in their students so that they can cope with increasingly changing situations. Based on this, this study analyzes the teaching role as a mediator of learning in the development of emotional autonomy of EBR primary-level students in the framework of distance education. The methodology of this study is qualitative in nature, it is located at the descriptive level and the method applied is the case study with the purpose of delving into the situation that develops in the selected educational institution, within which it was considered to seven key informants for the present. The foundation has been established based on categories related to the teaching role in the framework of distance education and the dimensions and factors that allow the development of emotional autonomy. The proposal of two instruments for the collection of data and information that the informant teachers can facilitate, as well as the analysis of the observations of their classes. The results obtained allow us to denote that there are notions of teachers to develop emotional aspects and that there is a predisposition to want to address these topics; However, this does not imply that the pedagogical activities or actions are aimed at developing the students' emotional autonomy competence. It is concluded that teachers can continue exploring the branch of emotional competences, sharing the actions they carry out specifically around the emotional development of their students, since their role is fundamental to ensure that emotional competencies can be evidenced in students.
Emociones y cognición, Autonomía infantil, Personal docente, Psicopedagogía, Educación a distancia, Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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