Tambook: Articulación de la Plataforma Multisectorial “Tambo” al Territorio Peruano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El “Programa Nacional de Tambos” (PNT) ha significado un logro importante del estado peruano para tener presencia efectiva en las poblaciones rurales más alejadas del territorio nacional. El PNT, desde su creación en el 2013, interviene en el territorio rural mediante la implementación masiva de edificaciones denominadas “tambos” que actúan como plataformas multisectoriales que permiten la provisión
de acceso a servicios básicos como identificación civil, salud o atención ante situaciones de emergencia. No obstante, con el paso de los años, el tambo, también ha albergado gradualmente acciones presenciales de ministerios del estado vinculados a la productividad rural. Esto significa que, inicialmente, el planteamiento arquitectónico del tambo fue realizado bajo un sesgo asistencialista, sin embargo,
ahora se enfrenta a demandas heterogéneas acorde a la dimensión poblacional, región natural, y capacidades productivas de sus centros poblados. A esto se añade que, la intención del estado peruano con miras al 2021 es de implementar un total de 1,600 tambos para cubrir a la población objetivo (5 millones de peruanos). En este contexto, la presente tesis, tiene como objetivo, plantear un sistema de estrategias de localización e implementación para los futuros tambos a fin de que estos se articulen óptimamente a las cualidades del territorio peruano para aportar al empoderamiento de la población más vulnerable y disperso del Perú. Esto da como resultado, un manual de localización basado en indicadores multiescalares, y un catálogo de intenciones proyectuales de carácter modular que nos otorga una visión
sistemática de las potencialidades del PNT en futuros escenarios dinámicos y remotos del territorio peruano. Finalmente, esta tesis proyectual, constata, que la proximidad al bicentenario de la independencia del Perú es la coyuntura ideal del país para repensar la actuación del estado en sus poblaciones más alejadas, a fin de que sus programas nacionales de infraestructura social, realmente desempeñen un efecto catalizador como consecuencia de la operación arquitectónica pertinente y relevante en el territorio nacional.
The “Programa Nacional de Tambos” (PNT) has meant an important achievement of the Peruvian state to have an effective presence in the rural populations furthest from the national territory. The PNT, since its creation in 2013, intervenes in the rural territory through the massive implementation of buildings called “tambos” that act as multisectoral platforms that allow the provision of access to basic services such as civil identification, health or emergency assistance. However, over the years, the tambo, has also gradually hosted in-person actions of state ministries linked to rural productivity. This means that, initially, the tambo’s architectural approach was carried out under a welfare bias, however, now it faces heterogeneous demands according to the population dimension, natural region, and productive capacities of its population centers. To this is added that, the intention of the Peruvian state with a view to 2021 is to implement a total of 1,600 dairy farms to cover the target population (5 million Peruvians). In this context, this thesis aims to propose a system of location and implementation strategies for future dairy farms so that they are optimally linked to the qualities of the Peruvian territory to contribute to the empowerment of the most vulnerable and dispersed population from Perú. This results in a localization manual based on multi-scale indicators, and a catalog of project intentions of a modular nature that gives us a systematic view of the potential of the NTP in future dynamic and remote scenarios of the Peruvian territory. Finally, this project thesis, states that the proximity to the bicentennial of the independence of Perú is the ideal juncture for the country to rethink the performance of the state in its most remote populations, so that their national social infrastructure programs really perform a Catalytic effect as a consequence of the relevant and relevant architectural operation in the national territory.
The “Programa Nacional de Tambos” (PNT) has meant an important achievement of the Peruvian state to have an effective presence in the rural populations furthest from the national territory. The PNT, since its creation in 2013, intervenes in the rural territory through the massive implementation of buildings called “tambos” that act as multisectoral platforms that allow the provision of access to basic services such as civil identification, health or emergency assistance. However, over the years, the tambo, has also gradually hosted in-person actions of state ministries linked to rural productivity. This means that, initially, the tambo’s architectural approach was carried out under a welfare bias, however, now it faces heterogeneous demands according to the population dimension, natural region, and productive capacities of its population centers. To this is added that, the intention of the Peruvian state with a view to 2021 is to implement a total of 1,600 dairy farms to cover the target population (5 million Peruvians). In this context, this thesis aims to propose a system of location and implementation strategies for future dairy farms so that they are optimally linked to the qualities of the Peruvian territory to contribute to the empowerment of the most vulnerable and dispersed population from Perú. This results in a localization manual based on multi-scale indicators, and a catalog of project intentions of a modular nature that gives us a systematic view of the potential of the NTP in future dynamic and remote scenarios of the Peruvian territory. Finally, this project thesis, states that the proximity to the bicentennial of the independence of Perú is the ideal juncture for the country to rethink the performance of the state in its most remote populations, so that their national social infrastructure programs really perform a Catalytic effect as a consequence of the relevant and relevant architectural operation in the national territory.
Programa Nacional Tambos (Perú), Tambos--Arquitectura, Programas sociales--Perú, Desarrollo rural--Perú, Inversión social--Perú, Perú--Planes de desarrollo--2021