“Análisis desde la gestión estratégica al modelo del servicio de prevención y detección temprana del cáncer del cuello uterino en el distrito de Marcabamba, provincia Paúcar del Sara Sara, Región Ayacucho, 2016”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En este siglo XXI, el Cáncer del Cuello Uterino ocupa el segundo lugar en
incidencia en el mundo; siendo el más frecuente en las mujeres de países en
desarrollo. Las tasas más altas se han encontrado en África Sub Sahariana, Asia
del Sur, El Caribe y América Latina (Norma Técnico Oncológica para la
Prevención, Detección y Manejo de Lesiones Premalignas del Cuello Uterino a
Nivel Nacional, 2007).
El Perú no ha sido ajeno a esta realidad, pues es la primera causa de muerte en
la mujer peruana (Liga Contra el Cáncer, 2016) y para controlar su incidencia ha
desarrollado Políticas Públicas en Salud sobre la Prevención y Control del
Cáncer del Cuello Uterino, que obedecen a acuerdos, convenios internacionales
(El Cairo, 1994; Conferencia Mundial de Derechos Humanos, 1993; etc.) y los
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) a cumplirse el 2030.
Esta investigación realizada en Región Ayacucho tiene como objetivo identificar
los Factores que Limitan la Implementación del Modelo del Servicio de
Prevención y Detección Temprana del Cáncer de Cuello Uterino (Examen PAP)
a las mujeres de la zona rural del distrito de Marcabamba, provincia Paúcar del
Sara Sara, Región Ayacucho; identificando elementos de la Gestión Estratégica,
para proponer medidas que mejoren el acceso a este servicio en el Centro de
Salud, 2016.
El estudio es de tipo cualitativa - descriptiva y pretende identificar la Gestión de
Calidad Total (Gestión del Potencial Humano, Gestión Logística y Mercadeo
Social), la Gestión del Servicio en el Territorio y la Gestión de Confianza en la
Implementación del Modelo del Servicio de Prevención y Detección Temprana de
Cáncer de Cuello Uterino (Examen PAP); y, a partir ello, proponer mejoras a la
gestión de los procesos del modelo estudiado.
Finalmente, la Gestión Estratégica, eje de la Gerencia Social, permite a la
población objetivo acceder de forma eficiente y adecuada al servicio o producto
que ofrece la Industria de Sector Público, como ocurre con el Modelo de
Prevención y Detección Temprana del Cáncer del Cuello Uterino (Examen PAP);
y, de esa forma, permitir que ejerzan sus derechos ciudadanos.
In this 21st century, Cervical Cancer is second in incidence in the world and is the most common in women in developing countries. The highest rates have been found in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America (Norma Técnico Oncológica para la Prevención, Detección y Manejo de Lesiones Premalignas del Cuello Uterino a Nivel Nacional, 2007). Peru has not been unaware of this reality, as it is the leading cause of death in Peruvian women (League Against Cancer, 2016) and to control its incidence has developed Public Health Policy on Prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer, based on international agreements, conventions (Cairo, 1994, World Conference on Human Rights, 1993, etc.) and Sustainable Development Goals be completed in 2030. This research carried out in the Ayacucho Region aims to identify Factors that Limit the Implementation of Model of Prevention and Early Detection of Uterine Cervical Cancer (PAP Examination) to women in rural areas of the district of Marcabamba, in the province of Páucar Sara Sara, Ayacucho Region; and analyze Strategic Management's elements to propose measures that improve access to this service in the Health Center, 2016. The research is qualitative - descriptive and aims to identify Total Quality Management (Human Potential Management, Logistic Management and Social Marketing), Confidence Management and Service Management in the Territory in the Implementation of Model of Prevention and Early detection of cervical cancer (PAP examination); And, from this, to propose improvements to the management of the processes of the model studied. Finally, Strategic Management, axis of the Social Management, allows the objective population to access efficiently and adequately the service or product offered by the Public Sector Industry, such as the Early Cervical Cancer Prevention and Detection Model (PAP Examination); and, in that way, allow them to exercise their citizens' rights.
In this 21st century, Cervical Cancer is second in incidence in the world and is the most common in women in developing countries. The highest rates have been found in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America (Norma Técnico Oncológica para la Prevención, Detección y Manejo de Lesiones Premalignas del Cuello Uterino a Nivel Nacional, 2007). Peru has not been unaware of this reality, as it is the leading cause of death in Peruvian women (League Against Cancer, 2016) and to control its incidence has developed Public Health Policy on Prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer, based on international agreements, conventions (Cairo, 1994, World Conference on Human Rights, 1993, etc.) and Sustainable Development Goals be completed in 2030. This research carried out in the Ayacucho Region aims to identify Factors that Limit the Implementation of Model of Prevention and Early Detection of Uterine Cervical Cancer (PAP Examination) to women in rural areas of the district of Marcabamba, in the province of Páucar Sara Sara, Ayacucho Region; and analyze Strategic Management's elements to propose measures that improve access to this service in the Health Center, 2016. The research is qualitative - descriptive and aims to identify Total Quality Management (Human Potential Management, Logistic Management and Social Marketing), Confidence Management and Service Management in the Territory in the Implementation of Model of Prevention and Early detection of cervical cancer (PAP examination); And, from this, to propose improvements to the management of the processes of the model studied. Finally, Strategic Management, axis of the Social Management, allows the objective population to access efficiently and adequately the service or product offered by the Public Sector Industry, such as the Early Cervical Cancer Prevention and Detection Model (PAP Examination); and, in that way, allow them to exercise their citizens' rights.
Planificación estratégica, Salud pública--Perú--Ayacucho, Útero--Cáncer--Prevención
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