Legitimidad, ideología política y actitudes hacia la vacunación contra el COVID-19 en adultos peruanos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar las relaciones entre las actitudes de
oposición a la vacunación contra el Covid-19, la legitimidad percibida del gobierno, el
autoritarismo de ala derecha y la orientación a la dominancia social en los peruanos mayores
de edad. Para este propósito, participaron 249 peruanos entre las edades de 19 y 89 años,
donde el 64.7% fueron mujeres y el 89.2% indicaron residir en Lima. Se adaptó y validó la
escala de Examinación de Actitudes hacia la Vacunación (VAX) al contexto peruano y se
adaptaron tres escalas de legitimidad (Obligación de Cumplir las Normas, Justicia
Procedimental, y Actitudes Hacia la Autoridad). Adicionalmente, se analizaron las relaciones
entre la escala VAX, las escalas de legitimidad, la escala de Autoritarismo de Ala Derecha
(RWA), y la escala de Orientación a la Dominancia Social (SDO). Los resultados
demostraron solo algunas correlaciones entre la escala VAX y sus dimensiones y la
legitimidad percibida del gobierno, SDO y RWA. Asimismo, se halló un modelo de regresión
que sugiere que la dimensión de Desconfianza de los beneficios de la vacuna de la escala
VAX puede predecir la intención de vacunación. Finalmente, se encontraron diferencias
significativas según la edad en la dimensión de Preocupación por la mercantilización de la
vacuna de la escala VAX.
This thesis aims to analyse the relationships between oppositional attitudes to vaccination against Covid-19, the government’s perceived legitimacy, right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation amongst Peruvians of age. For this purpose, there were 249 Peruvian participants between 19 and 89 years old, where 64,7% were women and 89,2% lived in Lima. An adaptation and validation of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale was carried out for the Peruvian context, as well as an adaptation of three legitimacy scales (Duty to Obey, Procedural Justice, and Attitudes Towards Authority). Additionally, relationships between the VAX scale, the legitimacy scales, the Right-Wing Authoritarianism scale (RWA) and the Social Dominance Orientation scale (SDO) were analysed. Results show some correlations between the VAX scale and its dimensions and the government’s perceived legitimacy, SDO and RWA. Moreover, a regression model suggesting the Mistrust of vaccine benefits dimension of the VAX scale can predict vaccination intention was identified. Finally, significant differences in the Concerns about commercial profiteering dimension of the VAX scale were found according to the age of the participants.
This thesis aims to analyse the relationships between oppositional attitudes to vaccination against Covid-19, the government’s perceived legitimacy, right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation amongst Peruvians of age. For this purpose, there were 249 Peruvian participants between 19 and 89 years old, where 64,7% were women and 89,2% lived in Lima. An adaptation and validation of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale was carried out for the Peruvian context, as well as an adaptation of three legitimacy scales (Duty to Obey, Procedural Justice, and Attitudes Towards Authority). Additionally, relationships between the VAX scale, the legitimacy scales, the Right-Wing Authoritarianism scale (RWA) and the Social Dominance Orientation scale (SDO) were analysed. Results show some correlations between the VAX scale and its dimensions and the government’s perceived legitimacy, SDO and RWA. Moreover, a regression model suggesting the Mistrust of vaccine benefits dimension of the VAX scale can predict vaccination intention was identified. Finally, significant differences in the Concerns about commercial profiteering dimension of the VAX scale were found according to the age of the participants.
Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020---Aspectos psicológicos--Perú, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Vacunación--Perú, Autoridad (Psicología), Ideología política--Aspectos psicológicos, Legitimidad de los gobiernos
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