Sistematización de la estrategia empleada por el programa de capacitación laboral en la dación de políticas de formación profesional en el Perú 2002 - 2006
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En 1996 se dio inicio al Programa de Capacitación Laboral –CAPLAB de
la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación –COSUDE, como
resultado del acuerdo bilateral de cooperación celebrado entre el Perú y
Suiza. Ello trajo como resultado, diez años después, a un modelo exitoso
para la formación profesional, que se plasmó en los Lineamientos
Nacionales de Política de Formación Profesional.
La presente tesis de sistematización plantea la pregunta ¿Cuáles han sido
los factores de incidencia del Programa de Capacitación Laboral para la
dación de los Lineamientos Nacionales de Política de la Formación
Profesional?. La experiencia analizada se ubica en la intersección de los
tres campos de la Gerencia Social: desarrollo social; gerencia pública y
políticas públicas; es, además, una experiencia intersectorial y
La sistematización encuentra como elementos estratégicos: i)
Coordinación con el Ministerio de Trabajo; ii) Participación de actores
claves nacionales, regionales y locales; iii) El Modelo CAPLAB; iv)
Compromiso del sector empresarial; v) Institucionalización de servicios de
empleabilidad; e, vi) Involucramiento de Gobiernos Regionales.
Se logró empoderar a los Ministerios de Trabajo y de Educación, que
consensuaron la política aprobada e incrementaron su capacidad analítica
regional, con el sector empresarial. Además, se profundiza la gestión del
conocimiento en formación profesional, con apropiación de los
funcionarios públicos a cargo.
En correlación a lo señalado, “el triángulo estratégico, el éxito se produce
porque CAPLAB logró viabilidad política, técnica, financiera y social”
(Moore 1998: 41). Logró posicionamiento efectivo, pues la estrategia era
valiosa en términos sustantivos, legítimos y políticamente sostenibles;
además de operativa y administrativamente viable. Fue crucial el enfoque
CAPLAB, participativo, integral y con resultados demostrados.
Ponemos a disposición los resultados, conclusiones y propuestas; base
para nuevos procesos de gestión pública en el país.
In 1996, the Labor Training Program – CAPLAB of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – COSUDE was launched as a result of the bilateral cooperation agreement between Peru and Switzerland. Ten years later, this resulted in a successful model for professional training, which was reflected in the National Guidelines for Vocational Training Policy. This thesis is a systematization that raises the question: Which have been the main factors of the Labor Training Program that impact the National Guidelines for Vocational Training Policy? The subject analyzed is placed at the intersection of three fields in social management: social development; public management and public policies. Also, it is an intersectoral and decentralized experience. The systematization finds as strategic elements: i) Coordination with the Ministry of Labor; ii) Participation of national, regional and local key actors; iii) The CAPLAB Model; iv) Commitment of the business sector; v) Institutionalization of employability services; and, vi) Involvement of Regional Governments. It empowered the Ministries of Labor and Education, which agreed on the approved policy and increased their regional analytical capacity, and interaction with the business sector. In addition, the knowledge management in professional training has deepened, through the public workers in charge. In correlation, "the strategic triangle, success occurs because CAPLAB achieved political, technical, financial and social viability" (Moore 1998: 41). This CAPLAB experience achieved highlight because its valuable strategy, both legitimate and politically sustainable. Besides, it was viable in operative and administrative terms. The CAPLAB approach was crucial: participatory, comprehensive and with proven results. We submit the results, conclusions and proposals; as a basis for the new public management in the country.
In 1996, the Labor Training Program – CAPLAB of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – COSUDE was launched as a result of the bilateral cooperation agreement between Peru and Switzerland. Ten years later, this resulted in a successful model for professional training, which was reflected in the National Guidelines for Vocational Training Policy. This thesis is a systematization that raises the question: Which have been the main factors of the Labor Training Program that impact the National Guidelines for Vocational Training Policy? The subject analyzed is placed at the intersection of three fields in social management: social development; public management and public policies. Also, it is an intersectoral and decentralized experience. The systematization finds as strategic elements: i) Coordination with the Ministry of Labor; ii) Participation of national, regional and local key actors; iii) The CAPLAB Model; iv) Commitment of the business sector; v) Institutionalization of employability services; and, vi) Involvement of Regional Governments. It empowered the Ministries of Labor and Education, which agreed on the approved policy and increased their regional analytical capacity, and interaction with the business sector. In addition, the knowledge management in professional training has deepened, through the public workers in charge. In correlation, "the strategic triangle, success occurs because CAPLAB achieved political, technical, financial and social viability" (Moore 1998: 41). This CAPLAB experience achieved highlight because its valuable strategy, both legitimate and politically sustainable. Besides, it was viable in operative and administrative terms. The CAPLAB approach was crucial: participatory, comprehensive and with proven results. We submit the results, conclusions and proposals; as a basis for the new public management in the country.
Trabajadores--Capacitación, Formación profesional
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