¿La cerveza es de mujeres?: un análisis de las representaciones de las mujeres como consumidoras de cerveza en spots peruanos del 2018 al 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación advierte que los estudios anteriores sobre la venta de cerveza en
el Perú se enfocan sobre todo en las campañas de comunicación y comercialización de la
cerveza artesanal, y así dejan un tema pendiente: la representación de la mujer en los spots
publicitarios de cervezas comerciales. Por ello, esta tesis toma dicho tema y se propone
analizar cómo las marcas “Pilsen Callao”, “Cristal” y “Tres Cruces” representan a las
mujeres en sus spots, así también busca identificar si aún existen estereotipos que no
valoran a la mujer como consumidora de cerveza. Las bases teóricas que sostienen esta
investigación son, principalmente, el análisis del signo en el discurso publicitario, el
femvertising y la representación publicitaria. El método seguido en este estudio es el
cualitativo por ser el objeto de análisis un fenómeno social complejo. Las técnicas usadas
para el recojo de los datos son el análisis del discurso publicitario y el focus group. De este
modo, se evidencia que, a nivel narrativo, los spots presentaron discursos relacionados con
la amistad, igualdad de género, equidad, donde el fin del mensaje era dejar de normalizar la
brecha de género entre los hombres y las mujeres, y que, finalmente, la mujer sea un
personaje que tome las decisiones de cuándo, cómo, con quién y dónde bebe cerveza.
The present investigation warns that previous studies on the sale of beer in Peru focus above all on the communication and marketing campaigns of craft beer, and thus leave a pending issue: the representation of women in comercial beer advertising spots. Therefore, this thesis takes this topic and aims to analyze how the brands “Pilsen Callao”, “Cristal” and “Tres Cruces” represent women in their spots, and also seeks to identify if there are still stereotypes that do not value women as beer consumer. The theoretical bases that support this research are, mainly, the analysis of the sign in advertising discourse, femvertising and advertising representation. The method followed in this study is qualitative because the object of analysis is a complex social phenomenon. The techniques used to collect data are advertising discourse analysis and focus group. In this way, it is evident that, at a narrative level, the spots presented discourses related to friendship, gender equality, equity, where the purpose of the message was to stop normalizing the gender gap between men and women, and that, finally, the woman is a character who makes the decisions about when, how, with whom and where she drinks beer.
The present investigation warns that previous studies on the sale of beer in Peru focus above all on the communication and marketing campaigns of craft beer, and thus leave a pending issue: the representation of women in comercial beer advertising spots. Therefore, this thesis takes this topic and aims to analyze how the brands “Pilsen Callao”, “Cristal” and “Tres Cruces” represent women in their spots, and also seeks to identify if there are still stereotypes that do not value women as beer consumer. The theoretical bases that support this research are, mainly, the analysis of the sign in advertising discourse, femvertising and advertising representation. The method followed in this study is qualitative because the object of analysis is a complex social phenomenon. The techniques used to collect data are advertising discourse analysis and focus group. In this way, it is evident that, at a narrative level, the spots presented discourses related to friendship, gender equality, equity, where the purpose of the message was to stop normalizing the gender gap between men and women, and that, finally, the woman is a character who makes the decisions about when, how, with whom and where she drinks beer.
Publicidad--Aspectos morales y éticos, Mujeres en la publicidad--Perú, Estereotipo (Psicología social)
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