Virtualidad y libertad sindical: Las implicancias del Decreto legislativo N° 1499 en los actos sindicales y el surgimiento del necesario rediseño Estatutario
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente trabajo académico hemos abordado las implicancias de la virtualidad sobre
el ejercicio de la libertad sindical, partiendo de un contexto social donde la pandemia
generada por la propagación del virus SARS CoV-2 (coronavirus) trajo desde el Estado
por un lado, respuestas que restringían la interacción física masiva de los ciudadanos y
por otro, respuestas que buscaban soluciones frente a las prohibiciones dadas, como el
caso del Decreto legislativo N° 1499, norma que cumplió con la obligación Estatal de no
interferencia al ejercicio de la libertad sindical, y demás generó un marco de promoción
a la misma, así se concluyó en razón del análisis de dos caso concreto: i) procedimiento
de huelga del Sindicato de trabajadores de Austral Group s.a.a y, el ii) proceso electoral
para la elección de miembros de la junta directiva del Sindicato de trabajadores de la
planta siderúrgica del Perú; ambos acasos llevados con éxito y bajo el amparo de la
virtualidad habilitada por el Decreto legislativo N° 1499. El trabajo además de repasar
bases teóricas de la libertad sindical de reglamentación, describiendo la naturaleza del
Estatuto sindical y sus diversas expresiones como parte de la autonomía normativa
sindical, aborda los problemas jurídicos generados a partir de la pérdida de la vigencia
del marco normativo que habilitaba a la virtualidad en la ejecución de los actos propios
del sindicato, confrontando ello con el desfase de los Estatutos sindicales y las sanciones
de nulidad o anulabilidad. Finalmente, el trabajo concluye en el necesario rediseño
estatutario para la integración de la virtualidad de manera permanente, bajo el ideal que
es un factor que contribuye al fortalecimiento de la democracia interna y al propio derecho
de la libertad sindical que con el trascurrir del tiempo encuentra nuevas formas de
ejercicio, para tal fin se propone una cláusula modelo para integrar a la virtualidad en los
actos propios del sindicato, además se integran diversas cláusulas que deberían ser
modificadas en el Estatuto sindical para armonizar la implementación de la virtualidad de
manera permanente.
In the present paper, we address virtuality’s influence on the right of free association, starting from a societal context, where the SARS CoV-2 generated pandemic triggered measures from the state aimed on one hand, to restrict the massive physical interaction between citizens, while seeking for solutions to relief those restrictions on the other. That’s the case for the enactment of the Legislative Decree No. 1499, norm that fulfilled the state’s obligation of non-interference in the exercise of free association. On the contrary, this norm served as a self-promoted framework for free association. So, in the extent of the analysis of two real-life cases, specifically: i) strike proceeding by Sindicato de trabajadores de Austral Group s.a.a and ii) electoral process for the election of the new executive board members of Sindicato de trabajadores de la planta siderúrgica del Perú, both cases managed with success under the Legislative Decree No. 1499 validation. This work, reviews the theoretical basis for freedom of regulation of labor unions, while describing the nature of union constitution and its diverse utility as proof of union’s selfregulation, also covers legal issues generated by the loss of validity of the previous regulatory framework that enabled virtuaility in the performance of union activities, while confronting it to the dissonance between union constitution and nullity or invalidity sanctions. In the final part, this paper concludes on the much needed union constitution redesign for the permanent inclusion of virtuality in virtue of its contributions to the strengthening of internal democracy and freedom of association that, overtime, finds new ways to be exercised it, and in that order, we propose a model clause to integrate virtuality into the performance of union activities, in addition of that, different new clauses are included too, those of which should be modified in the union constitution to regulate the inclusion of virtuality permanently.
In the present paper, we address virtuality’s influence on the right of free association, starting from a societal context, where the SARS CoV-2 generated pandemic triggered measures from the state aimed on one hand, to restrict the massive physical interaction between citizens, while seeking for solutions to relief those restrictions on the other. That’s the case for the enactment of the Legislative Decree No. 1499, norm that fulfilled the state’s obligation of non-interference in the exercise of free association. On the contrary, this norm served as a self-promoted framework for free association. So, in the extent of the analysis of two real-life cases, specifically: i) strike proceeding by Sindicato de trabajadores de Austral Group s.a.a and ii) electoral process for the election of the new executive board members of Sindicato de trabajadores de la planta siderúrgica del Perú, both cases managed with success under the Legislative Decree No. 1499 validation. This work, reviews the theoretical basis for freedom of regulation of labor unions, while describing the nature of union constitution and its diverse utility as proof of union’s selfregulation, also covers legal issues generated by the loss of validity of the previous regulatory framework that enabled virtuaility in the performance of union activities, while confronting it to the dissonance between union constitution and nullity or invalidity sanctions. In the final part, this paper concludes on the much needed union constitution redesign for the permanent inclusion of virtuality in virtue of its contributions to the strengthening of internal democracy and freedom of association that, overtime, finds new ways to be exercised it, and in that order, we propose a model clause to integrate virtuality into the performance of union activities, in addition of that, different new clauses are included too, those of which should be modified in the union constitution to regulate the inclusion of virtuality permanently.
Libertad sindical--Perú, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Aspectos sociales, Derecho laboral--Legislación--Perú
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