Fomento del aprendizaje autónomo en los estudiantes del cuarto ciclo de primaria de una I.E. pública en el marco de la educación a distancia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La pandemia producto del Covid-19, ha provocado una transformación de papeles de
los trabajadores educativos por el cambio abrupto a la educación a distancia. En ese
sentido, autores como Patiño (2015) y Unesco (2017) sostienen que la función del
docente en esta modalidad se enfoca en potenciar el aprendizaje autónomo en los
estudiantes. Por ello, la presente investigación pretende responder al problema ¿Qué
funciones asume la docente para fomentar el aprendizaje autónomo en los estudiantes
del cuarto ciclo de primaria de una I.E. pública en el marco de la educación a
distancia? Este estudio es de enfoque cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo y utiliza el método
de estudio de casos. Tiene como objetivo general analizar las funciones de la docente
que fomentan el aprendizaje autónomo en los estudiantes del cuarto ciclo de primaria
de una I.E. pública en el marco de la educación a distancia. De este se desprenden
dos objetivos específicos: identificar la percepción que tiene la docente sobre las
funciones que desarrolla para el fomento del aprendizaje autónomo y describir las
estrategias didácticas que aplica para el fomento de dicho aprendizaje. Se concluye
que las funciones de la docente son de planificación, motivación, mediación y
evaluación. Además, destaca la diversidad de estrategias didácticas utilizadas, pero
no son empleadas en su totalidad. El aporte principal de esta tesis es informar al sector
educativo acerca de la importancia del aprendizaje autónomo en la educación a
distancia para el logro de los aprendizajes previstos y por ello, la necesidad de
promoverlo desde diversas estrategias y a través de variadas funciones docentes.
The pandemic resulting from Covid-19, has caused a transformation of the roles of educational workers due to the abrupt change to distance education. In that sense, authors such as Patiño (2015) and Unesco (2017) argue that the role of the teacher in this modality focuses on promoting autonomous learning in students. Therefore, this research aims to answer the problem What functions does the teacher assume to promote autonomous learning in students of the fourth cycle of primary school of an I.E. public within the framework of distance education? This study is of a qualitative approach, descriptive and uses the case study method. Its general objective is to analyze the functions of the teacher that promote autonomous learning in students in the fourth cycle of primary school of an I.E. within the framework of distance education. Two specific objectives arise from this: to identify the perception that the teacher has about the functions that she develops to promote autonomous learning and to describe the didactic strategies that she applies to promote said learning. It is concluded that the functions of the teacher are planning, motivation, mediation and evaluation. In addition, the diversity of teaching strategies used stands out, but they are not used in their entirety. The main contribution of this thesis is to inform the educational sector about the importance of autonomous learning in distance education for the achievement of planned learning and therefore, the need to promote it from various strategies and through various teaching functions.
The pandemic resulting from Covid-19, has caused a transformation of the roles of educational workers due to the abrupt change to distance education. In that sense, authors such as Patiño (2015) and Unesco (2017) argue that the role of the teacher in this modality focuses on promoting autonomous learning in students. Therefore, this research aims to answer the problem What functions does the teacher assume to promote autonomous learning in students of the fourth cycle of primary school of an I.E. public within the framework of distance education? This study is of a qualitative approach, descriptive and uses the case study method. Its general objective is to analyze the functions of the teacher that promote autonomous learning in students in the fourth cycle of primary school of an I.E. within the framework of distance education. Two specific objectives arise from this: to identify the perception that the teacher has about the functions that she develops to promote autonomous learning and to describe the didactic strategies that she applies to promote said learning. It is concluded that the functions of the teacher are planning, motivation, mediation and evaluation. In addition, the diversity of teaching strategies used stands out, but they are not used in their entirety. The main contribution of this thesis is to inform the educational sector about the importance of autonomous learning in distance education for the achievement of planned learning and therefore, the need to promote it from various strategies and through various teaching functions.
Aprendizaje (Educación), Métodos de estudio, Educación a distancia, Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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