Estilo motivacional, necesidades psicológicas básicas, tipos de motivación, vitalidad y agotamiento en deportistas escolares
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La práctica deportiva a nivel competitivo y pertenecer a las categorías de menor
edad, puede significar un factor positivo de desarrollo; no obstante, también puede resultar
ser una experiencia de presión, estrés y agotamiento para el deportista. Por ello, el
acompañamiento a deportistas desde el nivel formativo es sumamente importante para el
seguimiento y progreso de los mismos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la
relación entre el estilo motivacional del entrenador (apoyo a la autonomía versus control),
las necesidades psicológicas básicas (NPB; satisfacción o frustración de las necesidades de
autonomía, competencia y relación), la calidad motivacional (motivación autónoma versus
controlada), la vitalidad subjetiva y el agotamiento físico y emocional. La muestra estuvo
compuesta por 118 deportistas escolares, representantes de un colegio privado y religioso
de Lima Metropolitana. Se encontró que a mayor autonomía percibida por parte de los
deportistas con respecto a sus entrenadores existe una mayor satisfacción de las NPB. Esto
a su vez fue un predictor positivo de un tipo de motivación más autónoma y también de una
mayor vitalidad subjetiva. Por el contrario, se obtuvo que a mayor control por parte del
entrenador hubo mayor frustración de las NPB, lo cual genera un tipo de motivación más
controlada; sin embargo, no se encontró un efecto directo sobre el agotamiento físico y
emocional. Además de dichos efectos directos, se encontró mediante un análisis de
senderos, una mediación parcial debido a la existencia también de efectos indirectos sobre
las variables mediadoras, así como sobre la vitalidad.
Competitive sports practice and belonging to the younger age categories can be a positive development factor; however, it may also be an experience of pressure, stress and exhaustion for the athlete. Therefore, sports support since early ages is extremely important for the monitoring and progress of them. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the relationship between the coach motivational style (autonomy support versus control), the basic psychological needs (BPN; autonomy, competence and relatedness satisfaction or frustration), the quality of motivation (autonomous versus controlled motivation), subjective vitality and physical and emotional exhaustion. The sample was composed of 118 school athletes from a private and religious school of Metropolitan Lima. It was found that greater perceived autonomy support of the coach predicted a greater satisfaction of the BPN. This was also a positive predictor of an autonomous type of motivation and subjective vitality. On the opposite, it was found that a greater perceived controlling style of the coach predicted greater frustration of the BPN and controlled motivation. However, no direct effect over physical and emotional exhaustion was found. In addition to these direct effects, using Path analysis, a partial mediation was found because of the existence of indirect effects over mediating variables and over vitality.
Competitive sports practice and belonging to the younger age categories can be a positive development factor; however, it may also be an experience of pressure, stress and exhaustion for the athlete. Therefore, sports support since early ages is extremely important for the monitoring and progress of them. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the relationship between the coach motivational style (autonomy support versus control), the basic psychological needs (BPN; autonomy, competence and relatedness satisfaction or frustration), the quality of motivation (autonomous versus controlled motivation), subjective vitality and physical and emotional exhaustion. The sample was composed of 118 school athletes from a private and religious school of Metropolitan Lima. It was found that greater perceived autonomy support of the coach predicted a greater satisfaction of the BPN. This was also a positive predictor of an autonomous type of motivation and subjective vitality. On the opposite, it was found that a greater perceived controlling style of the coach predicted greater frustration of the BPN and controlled motivation. However, no direct effect over physical and emotional exhaustion was found. In addition to these direct effects, using Path analysis, a partial mediation was found because of the existence of indirect effects over mediating variables and over vitality.
Autonomía infantil, Motivación (Psicología) en niños, Stress en niños
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