Comunicar y educar en igualdad para prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres: análisis de las campañas multianuales del plan nacional contra la violencia de género 2016-2021 y su aporte a la prevención de la violencia contra las mujeres en adolescentes de la institución educativa república de Colombia en el distrito de Independencia, Lima, en el periodo 2016-2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La violencia de género es un grave problema público que afecta
mayoritariamente los derechos humanos de las mujeres, y tiene repercusiones
en el desarrollo de la sociedad en su conjunto. El ODS N°5 señala que la
discriminación y las diversas violencias son un gran obstáculo para alcanzar la
igualdad de género, base del desarrollo sostenible, próspero y pacífico.
El Estado peruano cuenta con un importante avance normativo, el 2015, se
aprobó la Ley N°30364, Ley para prevenir, sancionar y erradicar la violencia
contra las mujeres e integrantes del grupo familiar, y en julio del 2016, el Plan
Nacional Contra la Violencia de Género 2016-2021. Un gran reto de la política
pública es reducir la tolerancia social a la violencia contra la mujer, cambiando
los patrones socio culturales machistas que la exacerban y justifican. Para
aportar a este cambio, se han ejecutado campañas multianuales dirigidas a
adolescentes y jóvenes, con la finalidad de prevenir la violencia contra las
mujeres en estas edades tempranas y en las relaciones de enamoramiento.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo conocer los factores positivos y
limitantes de la ejecución articulada de las campañas multianuales y su
contribución a la prevención de la violencia contra las mujeres en adolescentes
de la institución educativa República de Colombia del distrito de Independencia,
Lima en el periodo 2016-2018. También se analiza el rol, avances y limitaciones
de la instancia de concertación distrital que forma parte del sistema nacional.
Los resultados de la investigación permiten constatar que este tipo de acciones
estratégicas preventivas realizadas de manera continua, y en alianza con las y
los docentes, y otros actores locales, son muy potentes y útiles para desarrollar
conocimientos, opinión crítica frente a la violencia y desigualdad de género y
motivar cambios positivos en la vida de las y los adolescentes. También se pudo
analizar los aspectos que requieren fortalecerse a nivel de la estrategia.
En relación al rol de la Instancia de Concertación Distrital en el desarrollo
articulado de las campañas, se han identificado avances importantes que se basan en la experiencia previa de concertación interinstitucional. Las limitaciones
se vinculan a los procesos de gestión de la información, planificación, monitoreo
y evaluación. Se recomienda fortalecer el liderazgo del gobierno local y la
planificación articulada de mediano plazo de las estrategias preventivas
multianuales con el sector educación y los otros espacios de concertación local,
como el de seguridad ciudadana, teniendo como marco el plan nacional y las
políticas locales. La formulación del sistema de monitoreo y evaluación debe
contar con la asistencia técnica del Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones
Vulnerables, y convertirse en una experiencia referencial para otras instancias de
concertación distritales del país.
La investigación es de naturaleza cualitativa, se trata de un estudio de caso, la
metodología empleada fue cualitativa. Las unidades de análisis fueron las y los
alumnos y personal directivo de la institución educativa, así como las integrantes
de la instancia de concertación distrital de Independencia, profesional del sector
y periodistas. La muestra es significativa, seleccionada por juicio y conveniencia.
Se emplearon técnicas cualitativas para el recojo de información. Se aplicaron 30
entrevistas semiestructuradas y 30 encuestas a adolescentes, y 9 entrevistas
semiestructuradas a actoras de instituciones públicas y sociedad civil que forman
parte de la instancia de concertación local, profesional del sector, a la sub
directora de la institución educativa y periodistas. Se consideró también la
revisión documental.
Gender-based violence is a serious public problem that mostly affects the human rights of women, and has repercussions on the development of society as a whole SDG No. 5 states that discrimination and various forms of violence are a major obstacle to achieving gender equality, the basis of sustainable, prosperous and peaceful development. The Peruvian State has an important regulatory advance, in 2015, Law N ° 30364 was approved, Law to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women and members of the family group, and in July 2016, the National Plan Against Gender Violence 2016-2021. A great challenge of public policy is to reduce social tolerance to violence against women, changing the sexist socio-cultural patterns that exacerbate and justify it. To contribute to this change, multi-year campaigns aimed at adolescents and young people have been carried out, with the aim of preventing violence against women in these early ages and in relationships of affectionateness. The present investigation has as objective to know the positive and limiting factors of the articulated execution of the multi-year campaigns and their contribution to the prevention of violence against women in adolescents of the educational institution “Republica de Colombia” of the district of Independencia, Lima in the 2016 – 2018 period. It also analyzes the role, progress and limitations of the district concertation instance that is part of the national system. The results of the investigation show that this type of preventive strategic actions carried out continuously, and in alliance with the teachers, and other local actors, are very powerful and useful to develop knowledge, critical opinion in the face of violence and inequality of gender and motivate positive changes in the lives of adolescents. It was also possible to analyze the aspects that need to be strengthened at the level of the strategy. In relation to the role of the District Concertation Instance in the articulated development of the campaigns, important advances have been identified that are based on the previous experience of inter-institutional consultation. The limitations are linked to the processes of information management, planning, monitoring and evaluation. It is recommended to strengthen local government leadership and articulated medium-term planning of multi-year preventive strategies with the education sector and other spaces for local consultation, such as citizen security, with the national plan and local policies as a framework. The formulation of the monitoring and evaluation system must have the technical assistance of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations and become a referential experience for other instances of district consultation in the country. The research is qualitative in nature, it is a case study, the methodology used was qualitative. The units of analysis were the students and senior staff of the educational institution, as well as the members of the instance of the district Independencia, professional sector and journalists. The sample is significant, selected by judgment and convenience. Qualitative techniques were used to collect information. 30 semi-structured interviews and 30 surveys were applied to adolescents, and 9 semi-structured interviews to public institutions and civil society actors who are part of the local, professional sector, and the sub-director of the educational institution and journalists. Documentary review was also considered.
Gender-based violence is a serious public problem that mostly affects the human rights of women, and has repercussions on the development of society as a whole SDG No. 5 states that discrimination and various forms of violence are a major obstacle to achieving gender equality, the basis of sustainable, prosperous and peaceful development. The Peruvian State has an important regulatory advance, in 2015, Law N ° 30364 was approved, Law to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women and members of the family group, and in July 2016, the National Plan Against Gender Violence 2016-2021. A great challenge of public policy is to reduce social tolerance to violence against women, changing the sexist socio-cultural patterns that exacerbate and justify it. To contribute to this change, multi-year campaigns aimed at adolescents and young people have been carried out, with the aim of preventing violence against women in these early ages and in relationships of affectionateness. The present investigation has as objective to know the positive and limiting factors of the articulated execution of the multi-year campaigns and their contribution to the prevention of violence against women in adolescents of the educational institution “Republica de Colombia” of the district of Independencia, Lima in the 2016 – 2018 period. It also analyzes the role, progress and limitations of the district concertation instance that is part of the national system. The results of the investigation show that this type of preventive strategic actions carried out continuously, and in alliance with the teachers, and other local actors, are very powerful and useful to develop knowledge, critical opinion in the face of violence and inequality of gender and motivate positive changes in the lives of adolescents. It was also possible to analyze the aspects that need to be strengthened at the level of the strategy. In relation to the role of the District Concertation Instance in the articulated development of the campaigns, important advances have been identified that are based on the previous experience of inter-institutional consultation. The limitations are linked to the processes of information management, planning, monitoring and evaluation. It is recommended to strengthen local government leadership and articulated medium-term planning of multi-year preventive strategies with the education sector and other spaces for local consultation, such as citizen security, with the national plan and local policies as a framework. The formulation of the monitoring and evaluation system must have the technical assistance of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations and become a referential experience for other instances of district consultation in the country. The research is qualitative in nature, it is a case study, the methodology used was qualitative. The units of analysis were the students and senior staff of the educational institution, as well as the members of the instance of the district Independencia, professional sector and journalists. The sample is significant, selected by judgment and convenience. Qualitative techniques were used to collect information. 30 semi-structured interviews and 30 surveys were applied to adolescents, and 9 semi-structured interviews to public institutions and civil society actors who are part of the local, professional sector, and the sub-director of the educational institution and journalists. Documentary review was also considered.
Violencia contra la mujer--Política gubernamental--Perú, Violencia contra la mujer--Prevención, Educación--Perú--Lima (Independencia : Distrito)--Aspectos sociales
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