Liderazgo transformacional y su relación con la satisfacción laboral
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación se orienta a precisar la relación entre las variables: liderazgo transformacional y satisfacción laboral. El estudio se realizó con una muestra de trabajadores pertenecientes a una empresa del sector privado del rubro de courier y logística. Para cumplir con el propósito de la presente investigación, se trabajó con una muestra 65 trabajadores dependientes entre 19 a 58 años de edad, quienes ocupaban diferentes posiciones dentro de la organización. Se utilizó la escala de liderazgo transformacional desarrollada por los autores Bass y Avolio (2000) y adaptada en el contexto chileno por Vega y Zavala (2004) y la escala de satisfacción laboral de Yamamoto (2012). Los resultados muestran una correlación significativa y positiva entre las dimensiones de la variable liderazgo transformacional y la de satisfacción laboral. Al elevarse la percepción de liderazgo transformacional en sus líderes inmediatos, la satisfacción laboral será más elevada.
This research aims to clarify the relationship between the variables: transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The study was conducted with a sample of workers from a private company within the courier and logistic category. To fulfill the purpose of this investigation, the study used a sample of 65 employees between 19-58 years old from different areas within the organization. The transformational leadership scale developed by Bass and Avolio (2000) and adapted in the Chilean context by Vega and Zavala (2004) and the scale of job satisfaction from Yamamoto (2012) were applied. The results show a significant and positive correlation between the transformational leadership variable and the job satisfaction. When raising the perception of leadership in their immediate leaders, job satisfaction will be higher.
This research aims to clarify the relationship between the variables: transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The study was conducted with a sample of workers from a private company within the courier and logistic category. To fulfill the purpose of this investigation, the study used a sample of 65 employees between 19-58 years old from different areas within the organization. The transformational leadership scale developed by Bass and Avolio (2000) and adapted in the Chilean context by Vega and Zavala (2004) and the scale of job satisfaction from Yamamoto (2012) were applied. The results show a significant and positive correlation between the transformational leadership variable and the job satisfaction. When raising the perception of leadership in their immediate leaders, job satisfaction will be higher.
Liderazgo., Satisfacción en el trabajo.
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