Prácticas efectivas en el desarrollo de las competencias de lectura y escritura con estudiantes de primaria de una institución educativa pública de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El propósito de la investigación es describir y analizar las prácticas pedagógicas y aquellas
prácticas efectivas que promueven el desarrollo de la lectoescritura en el aula de primaria. La
metodología de estudio corresponde a un enfoque cualitativo de nivel descriptivo y se usa la
técnica de la observación. Los hallazgos muestran que, para promover el desarrollo de la
lectoescritura de los estudiantes, la maestra interviene al facilitar información, realizar
preguntas y repreguntas para afianzar el aprendizaje, promover la participación activa del
estudiante y utilizar recursos para el logro de los propósitos de aprendizaje. Asimismo, se
prioriza la relación entre estudiante-docente y la retroalimentación, las cuales se constituyen
como prácticas efectivas que promueven el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura.
The purpose of the research is to describe and analyze the pedagogical practices and those effective practices that promote the development of reading and writing in elementary school. The study methodology corresponds to a qualitative approach at a descriptive level and the observation technique is used. The findings show that, in order to promote the development of literacy in elementary school students, the teacher intervenes by providing information, asking questions and re-asking questions to reinforce learning, promoting active student participation and using resources to achieve the learning objectives. Likewise, the studentteacher relationship and feedback are prioritized, which constitute effective practices that promote literacy learning.
The purpose of the research is to describe and analyze the pedagogical practices and those effective practices that promote the development of reading and writing in elementary school. The study methodology corresponds to a qualitative approach at a descriptive level and the observation technique is used. The findings show that, in order to promote the development of literacy in elementary school students, the teacher intervenes by providing information, asking questions and re-asking questions to reinforce learning, promoting active student participation and using resources to achieve the learning objectives. Likewise, the studentteacher relationship and feedback are prioritized, which constitute effective practices that promote literacy learning.
Escritura (Educación primaria), Lectura (Educación primaria), Educación basada en competencias, Estudiantes y maestros--Relaciones, Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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