Estrategia de articulación intergubernamental multisectorial para la asociatividad agropecuaria en la región San Martín (EAIMAA San Martín) para enfrentar su bajo nivel de asociatividad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Este proyecto busca responder al problema de bajo nivel de Asociatividad de los productores
agropecuarios en San Martín. Entre las causas identificadas tenemos: Desarticulación y
duplicidad de intervenciones para el fomento de la asociatividad; Oferta no pertinente de
Servicios de Asistencia Técnica (AT); Bajo nivel de confianza entre los productores
agropecuarios; Precios volátiles de las materias primas y Descontento de los socios.
El prototipo de innovación denominado “Estrategia de articulación intergubernamental
multisectorial para la asociatividad agropecuaria en la región San Martín”, consiste en
promover un espacio de articulación entre las instituciones de ámbito regional y las entidades
nacionales para articular la oferta y demanda de Asistencia Técnica en San Martín.
El prototipo consta de tres componentes: articulación y planificación; preparación e
implementación; y monitoreo. El primer componente, partirá desde el recojo de necesidades
en productores y organizaciones asociativas en temas productivos como asociativos y la
coordinación entre las entidades que participan y ofertan AT. El segundo componente, abarca
desde la preparación de la AT hasta su implementación. Finalmente, el tercer componente,
comprende el seguimiento a la implementación de las AT, la evaluación de sus resultados y
el monitoreo a las asociatividades. De esta manera se espera que se logre una mejor
articulación y pertinencia de las intervenciones, para lograr una mayor asociatividad en San
This project seeks to respond to the low-level problem of associativity of agricultural producers in San Martín. Among the causes identified are: Disarticulation and duplication of interventions for the promotion of associativity; Non-relevant offer of Technical Assistance Services (TA); Low level of trust among agricultural producers; Volatile commodity prices and partner discontent. The innovation prototype called "Multisectoral intergovernmental articulation strategy for agricultural associativity in the San Martín region", consists of promoting a space for articulation between regional institutions and national entities to articulate the supply and demand of Technical Assistance in San Martín. The prototype consists of three components: articulation and planning; preparation and implementation; and monitoring. The first component will start from the collection of needs and coordination between the entities that participate and offer TA. The second component covers from the preparation of the TA to its implementation. Finally, the third component includes the monitoring of the implementation of TAs, and the evaluation of their results. In this way, it is expected that a better articulation and relevance of the interventions will be achieved, to achieve greater associativity in San Martín.
This project seeks to respond to the low-level problem of associativity of agricultural producers in San Martín. Among the causes identified are: Disarticulation and duplication of interventions for the promotion of associativity; Non-relevant offer of Technical Assistance Services (TA); Low level of trust among agricultural producers; Volatile commodity prices and partner discontent. The innovation prototype called "Multisectoral intergovernmental articulation strategy for agricultural associativity in the San Martín region", consists of promoting a space for articulation between regional institutions and national entities to articulate the supply and demand of Technical Assistance in San Martín. The prototype consists of three components: articulation and planning; preparation and implementation; and monitoring. The first component will start from the collection of needs and coordination between the entities that participate and offer TA. The second component covers from the preparation of the TA to its implementation. Finally, the third component includes the monitoring of the implementation of TAs, and the evaluation of their results. In this way, it is expected that a better articulation and relevance of the interventions will be achieved, to achieve greater associativity in San Martín.
Ganadería--Perú--San Martín, Asistencia agrícola--Perú--San Martín, Agricultura--Asociaciones--Perú-San Martín