El divorcio entre la minería peruana informal artesanal y la normativa en seguridad y salud en el trabajo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el Perú, la minería artesanal informal cumple un papel socio-económico
muy importante, aporta mucho dinero a la economía nacional pero de manera irregular.
Los mineros artesanos informales, al no contar con ninguna exigencia “legal”, se
generan a sí mismos problemas de salud derivados de accidentes y enfermedades por los
procesos de tan riesgosa actividad. Esto, sin duda, se puede evitar basándose en la
educación de la seguridad y salud de las familias peruanas dedicadas a la minería
Esta problemática, (accidentes y enfermedades en todas las edades) hizo que salga a la
luz el divorcio entre el proceso de formalización minera y la Seguridad y Salud en el
Trabajo. Esto nos permite ver, a su vez, los beneficios y errores que se produjeron en él,
lo cual genera una oportunidad para dar cuenta que, mientras más requisitos se
establezcan para formalizar a un minero, será más caro para él y, por lo tanto, menos
atractivo será ser formal. Es por ello que lo que se plantea en el presente artículo es la
búsqueda de la sostenibilidad de la minería informal artesanal vía proceso de
formalización, basada en la salud y seguridad de los que trabajan en ella.
In Peru, informal artisanal mining plays a very important socio-economic role, it contributes a lot of money to the national economy but in an irregular way. Informal artisan miners, as they do not have any "legal" demands, generate themselves health problems derived from accidents and diseases through the processes of such risky 3 activity. This, without a doubt, can be avoided based on the education of the safety and health of the Peruvian families dedicated to the informal mining. This problem, (accidents and diseases at all ages) brought to light the divorce between the process of mining formalization and Occupational Safety and Health. This allows us to see, in turn, the benefits and errors that occurred in it, which creates an opportunity to realize that, the more requirements are established to formalize a miner, it will be more expensive for him and, therefore , less attractive will be formal. For this reason, what is proposed in this article is the search for the sustainability of artisanal informal mining through a process of formalization, based on the health and safety of those who work in it.
In Peru, informal artisanal mining plays a very important socio-economic role, it contributes a lot of money to the national economy but in an irregular way. Informal artisan miners, as they do not have any "legal" demands, generate themselves health problems derived from accidents and diseases through the processes of such risky 3 activity. This, without a doubt, can be avoided based on the education of the safety and health of the Peruvian families dedicated to the informal mining. This problem, (accidents and diseases at all ages) brought to light the divorce between the process of mining formalization and Occupational Safety and Health. This allows us to see, in turn, the benefits and errors that occurred in it, which creates an opportunity to realize that, the more requirements are established to formalize a miner, it will be more expensive for him and, therefore , less attractive will be formal. For this reason, what is proposed in this article is the search for the sustainability of artisanal informal mining through a process of formalization, based on the health and safety of those who work in it.
Minería artesanaI--Perú, Seguridad ocupacional, Seguridad industrial
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