Relaciones entre la intención emprendedora, prácticas de negocio y rasgos de personalidad en emprendedores universitarios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Perú es considerado uno de los países más emprendedores del mundo. Uno de los factores
clave que llevan a las personas a desarrollar emprendimientos es la personalidad (Yurrebaso,
2012). El objetivo de esta investigación es comprender la influencia de los cinco grandes
rasgos de personalidad y las preferencias en prácticas de negocio sobre las intenciones
empresariales. Los participantes de este estudio fueron emprendedores universitarios de Lima
Metropolitana. Los resultados muestran que la intención de emprender es alta en este grupo y
dichas intenciones se asocian positivamente con los rasgos de personalidad: Extraversión,
Agradabilidad, Conciencia, Estabilidad Emocional y Apertura a la Experiencia. Asimismo, se
aprecia que la Apertura a la Experiencia aparece como un rasgo predictor de la intención
emprendedora. A su vez, los emprendedores con más Aprecio por prácticas de negocio
sostenibles (dimensión del emprendimiento social), muestran rasgos de Extraversión,
Conciencia, Apertura a la experiencia y Agradabilidad, siendo este último predictor del
Aprecio por Prácticas Sostenibles.
Peru is considered one of the most enterprising countries in the world. One of the key factors that lead people to become entrepreneurs is personality (Yurrebaso, 2012). The purpose of this research is to understand the influence of the five major personality traits and business practice preferences on business intentions. The participants of this study were university entrepreneurs from Lima Metropolitana. The results show that the intention to become an entrepreneur is high in this group and these intentions are positively associated with the personality traits: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Consciousness, Emotional Stability and Openness to Experience. Likewise, it can be seen that Openness to Experience appears as a predictive trait of entrepreneurial intention. In turn, entrepreneurs with more appreciation for sustainable business practices (dimension of social entrepreneurship), show features of Extraversion, Consciousness, Openness to experience and Agreeableness, being this last predictor of Appreciation for Sustainable Practices.
Peru is considered one of the most enterprising countries in the world. One of the key factors that lead people to become entrepreneurs is personality (Yurrebaso, 2012). The purpose of this research is to understand the influence of the five major personality traits and business practice preferences on business intentions. The participants of this study were university entrepreneurs from Lima Metropolitana. The results show that the intention to become an entrepreneur is high in this group and these intentions are positively associated with the personality traits: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Consciousness, Emotional Stability and Openness to Experience. Likewise, it can be seen that Openness to Experience appears as a predictive trait of entrepreneurial intention. In turn, entrepreneurs with more appreciation for sustainable business practices (dimension of social entrepreneurship), show features of Extraversion, Consciousness, Openness to experience and Agreeableness, being this last predictor of Appreciation for Sustainable Practices.
Personalidad, Emprendimiento social, Estudiantes universitarios--Perú--Lima
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