Aplicación de estrategias neurodidácticas en las sesiones de aprendizaje de docentes de primer grado de primaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Existe una gran necesidad actual de contar con estrategias de enseñanza acordes
con las necesidades de los estudiantes, siendo la neurodidáctica una alternativa
eficiente. En el Perú, no es común hablar sobre la aplicación de estrategias
neurodidácticas en las escuelas, por lo que es necesario darlas a conocer y comprobar
si, pese a su poca promoción, estas forman parte de las sesiones de algunos
docentes. En este sentido, surge la necesidad de conocer cuáles son las estrategias
neurodidácticas que están presentes en las sesiones de aprendizaje de los docentes
de primer grado de primaria de una institución educativa privada. Para responder dicha
interrogante, se plantearon los siguientes objetivos: identificar las estrategias
neurodidácticas presentes en las sesiones de aprendizaje de los docentes de primer
grado de primaria de una institución educativa privada, así como describir la aplicación
de las estrategias neurodidácticas que están presentes en las sesiones de aprendizaje
de los mismos. Además, para llevar a cabo este estudio, se consideró aplicar la técnica
de observación, empleando como instrumentos de recojo de información la lista de
cotejo y la guía de observación, los cuales fueron aplicados a los cuatro docentes
informantes. Así, la presente investigación se caracteriza por obedecer a un enfoque
cualitativo y ser de tipo descriptivo. Los resultados evidencian que los docentes
emplean ciertas estrategias neurodidácticas, mas no lo hacen correctamente. Por ello,
se recomienda que estos autoevalúen su rol docente y que futuras investigaciones
planteen proyectos sobre capacitación docente en estrategias neurodidácticas.
Currently, it exists a big necessity to have teaching strategies according to necessities of students. In this way, neurodidactics appears as a solution. In Peru, it is not common talk about the use of neurodidactic strategies in schools. For that reason, it is necessary to make them known and verify if instead of their little promotion, they are part of the classes of some teachers. In this way, the need arises to know what are the neurodidactic strategies that are present in the learning sessions of the first-grade teachers of a private school. To answer this question, the following objectives were proposed: to identify the neurodidactic strategies present in the learning sessions of the first-grade teachers of a private school, as well as to describe the application of the neurodidactic strategies that are present in the learning sessions from them. In addition, to carry out this study, it was considered to apply the observation technique, using the checklist and the observation guide as information collection instruments, which were applied to the four informant teachers. Thus, the present investigation is characterized by obeying a qualitative approach and being descriptive. The results obtained show that teachers use neurodidactic strategies, but they do not do it correctly most of the time. Therefore, it is recommended that they self-assess their teaching role and that future research propose projects on teacher training about neurodidactic strategies.
Currently, it exists a big necessity to have teaching strategies according to necessities of students. In this way, neurodidactics appears as a solution. In Peru, it is not common talk about the use of neurodidactic strategies in schools. For that reason, it is necessary to make them known and verify if instead of their little promotion, they are part of the classes of some teachers. In this way, the need arises to know what are the neurodidactic strategies that are present in the learning sessions of the first-grade teachers of a private school. To answer this question, the following objectives were proposed: to identify the neurodidactic strategies present in the learning sessions of the first-grade teachers of a private school, as well as to describe the application of the neurodidactic strategies that are present in the learning sessions from them. In addition, to carry out this study, it was considered to apply the observation technique, using the checklist and the observation guide as information collection instruments, which were applied to the four informant teachers. Thus, the present investigation is characterized by obeying a qualitative approach and being descriptive. The results obtained show that teachers use neurodidactic strategies, but they do not do it correctly most of the time. Therefore, it is recommended that they self-assess their teaching role and that future research propose projects on teacher training about neurodidactic strategies.
Educación primaria, Aprendizaje (Educación), Personal docente--Capacitación, Cognición en niños
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