Informe de experiencias de prácticas pre-profesionales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como objetivo presentar los logros de aprendizaje adquiridos
en las competencias de Diagnostica, Interviene, y Evalúa durante el desempeño de las prácticas
pre-profesionales en Lima Metropolitana. Debido a la pandemia, las prácticas se llevaron a
cabo en tres centros laborales diferentes, en un inicio de manera presencial y posteriormente
en modalidad de teletrabajo a partir de la condición de aislamiento social. La primera parte de
las prácticas se realizó en un hospital oncológico, la segunda en una universidad privada, y la
tercera en una institución educativa pública. El proceso de las prácticas pre-profesionales ha
permitido identificar las necesidades y problemas de estos centros y plantear soluciones a partir
de los conocimientos adquiridos en la formación académica. Con respecto a la competencia
diagnostica, se encontró el impacto de los problemas de salud física en la salud mental y el
duelo por las pérdidas ocasionadas por la COVID-19. Frente a esto, se brindó consejería
psicológica para la población respectiva. Con respecto a la competencia interviene, se
identificó el duelo de familiares de pacientes oncológicos, el manejo de tiempo y violencia
intrafamiliar a raíz de la pandemia. Frente a ello, se desarrollaron tres talleres psicoeducativos.
Por último, con respecto a la competencia evalúa, se identificó la necesidad de mejora del
departamento de psicopedagogía de la institución educativa. Por ello, se diseñaron
instrumentos para conocer las necesidades de la población del centro, frente a lo cual se
propusieron y ejecutaron acciones de mejora.
The objective of this report is to present the learning achievements acquired in the competencies of diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation during the pre-professional internship in Metropolitan Lima. Due to the pandemic, the internships were carried out in three different work centers, initially in a face-to-face manner and later in teleworking mode due to the condition of social isolation. The first part of the internship was carried out in an oncology hospital, the second in a private university, and the third in a public educational institution. The process of the pre-professional practices has allowed to identify the needs and problems of these centers and to propose solutions based on the knowledge acquired in the academic training. Regarding the diagnostic competence, the impact of physical health problems on mental health and mourning for the losses of the COVID-19 was found. In view of this, psychological counseling was provided for the population. Regarding the intervening competence, we identified the problems of grief management of oncology patients' relatives, time management and intrafamily violence as a result of the pandemic. As a solution, we developed three psychoeducational workshops. Finally, regarding the evaluating competence, we identified the need for improvement of the psychology department of the educational institution. Therefore, we designed a questionnaire and an interview to get to know the needs of the population of the educational institution, so we could propose and run improvements.
The objective of this report is to present the learning achievements acquired in the competencies of diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation during the pre-professional internship in Metropolitan Lima. Due to the pandemic, the internships were carried out in three different work centers, initially in a face-to-face manner and later in teleworking mode due to the condition of social isolation. The first part of the internship was carried out in an oncology hospital, the second in a private university, and the third in a public educational institution. The process of the pre-professional practices has allowed to identify the needs and problems of these centers and to propose solutions based on the knowledge acquired in the academic training. Regarding the diagnostic competence, the impact of physical health problems on mental health and mourning for the losses of the COVID-19 was found. In view of this, psychological counseling was provided for the population. Regarding the intervening competence, we identified the problems of grief management of oncology patients' relatives, time management and intrafamily violence as a result of the pandemic. As a solution, we developed three psychoeducational workshops. Finally, regarding the evaluating competence, we identified the need for improvement of the psychology department of the educational institution. Therefore, we designed a questionnaire and an interview to get to know the needs of the population of the educational institution, so we could propose and run improvements.
Formación profesional, Perfil de egreso, Psicología--Investigaciones, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Educación
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