Uso de las TIC para la enseñanza en docentes universitarios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer los factores tanto externos como
internos que predicen el uso de las TIC por parte de los docentes de una universidad
privada de Lima. El diseño de la investigación fue transaccional de tipo descriptivo
correlacional. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de un cuestionario de autoreporte
que midió la frecuencia de uso de las TIC, las creencias pedagógicas, la autoeficacia, la
valoración, el acceso y soporte técnico de las TIC y la percepción de la cultura y liderazgo
tecnológico de la institución. Los participantes fueron 208 docentes que trabajaban en una
institución privada de educación superior. Los resultados encontrados reflejaron una
relación positiva entre la frecuencia del uso de TIC y la autoeficacia en tareas para la
enseñanza con TIC; así también, con la cultura y liderazgo tecnológico de las áreas
académicas. Asimismo, se encontró una relación negativa entre la frecuencia de uso de
las TIC y las creencias sobre el rol centrado en el docente. Estos resultados se discutieron
y se sugiere líneas de trabajo que consideren estos factores para posteriores programas de
implementación de TIC en instituciones de educación superior.
The objective of this research was to know the external and internal factors that predict the use of ICT by teachers of a private university in Lima. The design of the investigation was transactional of descriptive correlational type. The data were collected through a self-report questionnaire that measured the frequency of use of ICT, pedagogical beliefs, self-efficacy, assessment, access and technical support of ICT and the perception of culture and technological leadership of the institution. The participants were 208 teachers who worked in a private institution of higher education. The results showed a positive relationship between the frequency of the use of ICT and self-efficacy in tasks for teaching with ICT; likewise, with the culture and technological leadership of the academic areas. Furthermore, a negative relationship was found between the frequency of use of ICT and beliefs about the role centered on the teacher. These results were discussed, and lines of work are suggested that consider these factors for subsequent ICT implementation programs in higher education institutions.
The objective of this research was to know the external and internal factors that predict the use of ICT by teachers of a private university in Lima. The design of the investigation was transactional of descriptive correlational type. The data were collected through a self-report questionnaire that measured the frequency of use of ICT, pedagogical beliefs, self-efficacy, assessment, access and technical support of ICT and the perception of culture and technological leadership of the institution. The participants were 208 teachers who worked in a private institution of higher education. The results showed a positive relationship between the frequency of the use of ICT and self-efficacy in tasks for teaching with ICT; likewise, with the culture and technological leadership of the academic areas. Furthermore, a negative relationship was found between the frequency of use of ICT and beliefs about the role centered on the teacher. These results were discussed, and lines of work are suggested that consider these factors for subsequent ICT implementation programs in higher education institutions.
Tecnología educativa, Tecnología de la información, Profesores universitarios--Investigaciones, Educación superior--Perú
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