Interdicción contra la pesca ilegal: necesidad del tipo penal de actos ilícitos de construcción o reparación de embarcaciones pesqueras en el sector pesca artesanal
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente documento tiene por problema principal establecer si es necesaria la
tipificación específica de los actos ilícitos de construcción o reparación de
embarcaciones pesqueras en el Código Penal, en el marco de la aplicación del
Decreto Legislativo Nº 1393.
Para ello en la sección I, primero se contextualiza respecto al crecimiento
descontrolado de las embarcaciones pesqueras artesanales; posteriormente, en
la segunda parte se analizará las prohibiciones a la construcción de más
embarcaciones pesqueras artesanales en el período comprendido entre el año
2006 y 2015; y, finalmente, en la parte tercera parte describe la situación de los
astilleros en la costa peruana. En la sección II, se establecerá el régimen de
Interdicción contra la pesca ilegal; posteriormente, se determinará las
competencias de las Entidades en las acciones de interdicción contra la pesca
ilegal. Finalmente, la sección III, estará dividida en tres partes. En la primera
parte, se contextualiza sobre el estado situacional de la implementación del
Decreto Legislativo Nº 1393; posteriormente, en la segunda parte se describe la
falta de tipificación específica de los actos ilícitos de construcción o reparación
de embarcaciones pesqueras en el Código Penal con su respectiva propuesta
de solución; y, finalmente, en la parte tres se explicará como otro limitante la
ausencia de un protocolo para la participación de DICAPI en las acciones de
The main issue addressed in this document is to establish whether specific criminalization of illicit acts related to the construction or repair of fishing vessels in the Penal Code is necessary within the framework of the application of Legislative Decree No. 1393. To achieve this, in Section I, we first provide context regarding the uncontrolled growth of artisanal fishing vessels. Subsequently, in the second part, we analyze the prohibitions on the construction of additional artisanal fishing vessels in the period between 2006 and 2015. Finally, in the third part, we describe the situation of shipyards on the Peruvian coast. In Section II, the Interdiction regime against illegal fishing will be established, followed by a determination of the responsibilities of the authorities in interdiction actions against illegal fishing. Finally, Section III is divided into three parts. In the first part, we contextualize the current situation of the implementation of Legislative Decree No. 1393. Then, in the second part, we describe the lack of specific criminalization of illicit acts related to the construction or repair of fishing vessels in the Penal Code, along with a proposed solution. Finally, in the third part, we explain another limitation, which is the absence of a protocol for the participation of DICAPI in interdiction actions.
The main issue addressed in this document is to establish whether specific criminalization of illicit acts related to the construction or repair of fishing vessels in the Penal Code is necessary within the framework of the application of Legislative Decree No. 1393. To achieve this, in Section I, we first provide context regarding the uncontrolled growth of artisanal fishing vessels. Subsequently, in the second part, we analyze the prohibitions on the construction of additional artisanal fishing vessels in the period between 2006 and 2015. Finally, in the third part, we describe the situation of shipyards on the Peruvian coast. In Section II, the Interdiction regime against illegal fishing will be established, followed by a determination of the responsibilities of the authorities in interdiction actions against illegal fishing. Finally, Section III is divided into three parts. In the first part, we contextualize the current situation of the implementation of Legislative Decree No. 1393. Then, in the second part, we describe the lack of specific criminalization of illicit acts related to the construction or repair of fishing vessels in the Penal Code, along with a proposed solution. Finally, in the third part, we explain another limitation, which is the absence of a protocol for the participation of DICAPI in interdiction actions.
Pesca--Legislación--Perú, Tribunales constitucionales--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho penal--Jurisprudencia--Perú