Planeamiento estratégico para el Café en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En los últimos años, el Perú ha experimentado cambios económicos y sociales
importantes que ha permitido el ingreso de capitales privados a la economía del país. Este
incremento de flujo de efectivo, ha generado un excedente de capital que ha permitido
inversiones y en general mayor gasto público. La clase media del Perú, especialmente en
Lima, ha experimentado un importante crecimiento de su capacidad de adquisición y gasto,
generando mayor demanda de servicios y bienes.
Ante esta nueva realidad de consumo en el Perú, el mercado de Café ha
experimentado una transformación radical con respecto a su consumo en el pasado.
Tradicionalmente en el Perú, el Café se consumía mediante los productos solubles. En la
actualidad, el mercado interno ofrece una variedad de Café molido y en granos de calidad
superior, generando cada vez más un cliente con mayores expectativas de calidad. En
paralelo en el mundo, de una manera similar, este insumo está experimentando una demanda
creciente y se han abierto nuevos mercados de consumo masivo en Europa y Asia.
Sin embargo, en el Perú no se han incrementado las ventas, ni las exportaciones, ni los
retornos en la industria del Café al ritmo que se esperaría, considerando el crecimiento del
subsector en el Perú y en el mundo. Por el contrario, cada vez se hace más difícil generar una
industria competitiva, no solo por la escasez de mano de obra en el subsector, sino también
por el bajo nivel de sostenibilidad de la oferta del grano del Café peruano.
El enfoque del presente trabajo, es el de desarrollar un plan estratégico que permita
reevaluar desde sus fundamentos la industria del Café en el Perú, los objetivos que deberían
trazarse tanto a corto como a largo plazo para alcanzar metas definidas bajo la visión
desafiante de que la industria en Perú será líder en la producción del mejor Café en el ámbito
mundial, distribuyendo productos de alta calidad, y consiguiendo las mejores cotizaciones en
el mercado internacional.
A partir del análisis, se concluye que los objetivos a largo plazo deben estar enfocados
en: (a) la generación de empleos (720 mil empleos), (b) alcanzar valor de ventas (US$2,000
millones por año), y (c) rentabilidad sobre las ventas (38%). Una vez trazado el horizonte, se
han definido las estrategias retenidas a implementar, partiendo de un análisis FODA,
objetivos a corto plazo, e iniciativas a llevar a cabo, así como medidas de evaluación y
control de cumplimiento a través del Tablero de Control Balanceado. Entre las principales
estrategias a ejecutar sobresalen: el posicionar el Café peruano internacionalmente, penetrar
en nuevos mercados, invertir e I+D, certificar internacionalmente la cadena productiva del
Café como orgánico, entre otras
In recent years Peru has experienced important social and economic changes which allowed the increase of private capitals, inserting private capital to the economy. This higher cash flow generated surplus capital which allowed investment and higher public spending. Peruvian middle class, especially in Lima, has experienced an important growth in their consumption capacity, generating higher demand for goods and services. In this new context of consumption in Peru the market of Coffee has been subjected to a radical transformation compared to the consumption from the past. Traditionally in Peru Coffee was consumed through soluble products. Nowadays, internal market offers a variety of Coffee beans of superior quality, creating clients with bigger quality expectations. Coincidentally in the world Coffee has a growing demand and new massive consumption markets have opened in Europe and Asia. However, in Peru sales, exportations and profits have not increased at the same level. On the contrary, it is relatively difficult to keep a competitive Coffee industry, due to scarce manpower but also due to the little sustainable offer of the quality of Peru’s Coffee bean. The approach of the present study is to develop a strategic plan which would allow reevaluate the Coffee industry in Peru from its foundations, the objectives that would be traced in long and short terms to reach defined goals, under the defiant vision that the industry of Peruvian Coffee will be the leader in the production of the best Coffee in the world, distributing high quality products, and reaching high quotations in the international market. Following the analysis it is concluded that long term objectives should be focused on the generation of employment (720,000 individuals), sales ( USD 2 billion per year), and 38% return over sales Once the horizon is traced some retained strategies were defined to be implemented, coming from SWOT analysis. Also some short term objectives and initiatives are given, and monitoring control indicators through Balanced Scorecard. Among these strategies it is important to mention positioning of Peruvian Coffee in the world, new markets penetration, investment in R&D and international certification of the productive chain of Coffee, among others
In recent years Peru has experienced important social and economic changes which allowed the increase of private capitals, inserting private capital to the economy. This higher cash flow generated surplus capital which allowed investment and higher public spending. Peruvian middle class, especially in Lima, has experienced an important growth in their consumption capacity, generating higher demand for goods and services. In this new context of consumption in Peru the market of Coffee has been subjected to a radical transformation compared to the consumption from the past. Traditionally in Peru Coffee was consumed through soluble products. Nowadays, internal market offers a variety of Coffee beans of superior quality, creating clients with bigger quality expectations. Coincidentally in the world Coffee has a growing demand and new massive consumption markets have opened in Europe and Asia. However, in Peru sales, exportations and profits have not increased at the same level. On the contrary, it is relatively difficult to keep a competitive Coffee industry, due to scarce manpower but also due to the little sustainable offer of the quality of Peru’s Coffee bean. The approach of the present study is to develop a strategic plan which would allow reevaluate the Coffee industry in Peru from its foundations, the objectives that would be traced in long and short terms to reach defined goals, under the defiant vision that the industry of Peruvian Coffee will be the leader in the production of the best Coffee in the world, distributing high quality products, and reaching high quotations in the international market. Following the analysis it is concluded that long term objectives should be focused on the generation of employment (720,000 individuals), sales ( USD 2 billion per year), and 38% return over sales Once the horizon is traced some retained strategies were defined to be implemented, coming from SWOT analysis. Also some short term objectives and initiatives are given, and monitoring control indicators through Balanced Scorecard. Among these strategies it is important to mention positioning of Peruvian Coffee in the world, new markets penetration, investment in R&D and international certification of the productive chain of Coffee, among others
Café -- Industria y comercio -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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