La comunicación organizacional entre la escuela y la familia en el contexto de la pandemia covid-19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación de enfoque cualitativo y tipo descriptivo, aborda la
comunicación organizacional escuela-familia en el contexto de la pandemia Covid-19,
entendiendo esta comunicación como el eje principal que posibilita la mejora de las
relaciones en la comunidad educativa. Si bien es cierto, es un tema actual, es necesario
comprender su importancia, sobre todo, ante situaciones que requieren una participación
conjunta de dichos agentes. Ante ello, surge como objetivo general, analizar cómo es la
comunicación organizacional entre la escuela y la familia en el contexto de la pandemia
Covid-19. En cuanto a los objetivos específicos, el primero busca identificar los tipos de
comunicación organizacional utilizados por la escuela con la familia; el segundo, describir
las estrategias empleadas por la escuela para la comunicación con las familias. La
recolección de datos se obtuvo mediante entrevistas, y los resultados muestran que la
comunicación tiene características descendentes y horizontales. Esto, debido a que parte
de la dirección o los docentes, pero también existen espacios o intermediarios para tomar
en cuenta la opinión de la familia. Además, la comunicación suele ser informal y en su
mayoría virtual. En cuanto a las estrategias, estas son adaptadas a las necesidades de
las familias; sin embargo, se requieren más espacios para que la comunicación sea más
eficaz. En este sentido, es necesario continuar investigando este tema, para beneficiar a
estudiantes, familias, docentes y directivos con información valiosa sobre la
comunicación organizacional como un elemento que propicia el desarrollo integral de los
This qualitative and descriptive research approach addresses school-family organizational communication in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding this communication as the main axis that enables the improvement of relationships in the educational community. While it is true, it is a current issue, it is necessary to understand its importance, especially in the face of situations that require the joint involvement of these actors. Given this, the general objective arises to analyze what organizational communication between school and family is like in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Concerning specific objectives, the first seeks to identify the types of organizational communication used by the school with the family; the second, to describe the strategies employed by the school for communication with families. Data collection was obtained through interviews; the results show that communication has descending and horizontal characteristics. This is because part of the direction or teachers, but there are also spaces or intermediaries to take into account the opinion of the family. Moreover, communication is often informal and mostly virtual. Strategies are adapted to the needs of families; however, more space is required for more effective communication. In this sense, it is necessary to continue researching this topic, to benefit students, families, teachers, and managers with valuable information on organizational communication as an element that propitiates the integral development of students.
This qualitative and descriptive research approach addresses school-family organizational communication in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding this communication as the main axis that enables the improvement of relationships in the educational community. While it is true, it is a current issue, it is necessary to understand its importance, especially in the face of situations that require the joint involvement of these actors. Given this, the general objective arises to analyze what organizational communication between school and family is like in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Concerning specific objectives, the first seeks to identify the types of organizational communication used by the school with the family; the second, to describe the strategies employed by the school for communication with families. Data collection was obtained through interviews; the results show that communication has descending and horizontal characteristics. This is because part of the direction or teachers, but there are also spaces or intermediaries to take into account the opinion of the family. Moreover, communication is often informal and mostly virtual. Strategies are adapted to the needs of families; however, more space is required for more effective communication. In this sense, it is necessary to continue researching this topic, to benefit students, families, teachers, and managers with valuable information on organizational communication as an element that propitiates the integral development of students.
Comunicación organizacional, Hogar y escuela--Perú, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Impacto
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