Mejoras en el Sistema de Registro de Accidentes de Trabajo, Incidentes peligrosos y enfermedades profesionales y pertinencia de la ratificación del Convenio 155 de la OIT
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El trabajo de investigación expone un análisis de los sistemas de registros de
accidentes de trabajo, enfermedades ocupacionales e incidentes peligrosos en
el país, desde su inicio como registro único hasta la implementación del sistema
simplificado. El análisis expone las mejoras realizadas en el registro
implementadas por el Estado dirigidas a superar el problema de la
subnotificación que reconoce. No obstante, se observa la necesidad de la
existencia de un registro único aplicable a todas las empresas y entidades debido
a la distribución de la fuerza laboral en nuestro país y la informalidad. Además,
se concluye la pertinencia de la ratificación del Convenio 155 como marco
normativo internacional que soporta el tratamiento único del registro que esta
investigación sugiere.
The research exposes an analysis of the registration systems for work accidents, occupational diseases, and dangerous incidents in the country, from its beginning as a single registry to implementation of the simplified method. The analysis exposes the improvements made to the registry implemented by the State aimed at overcoming the problem of underreporting that it recognizes. However, the need for a single registry applicable to all companies and entities is observed due to the labor force distribution in our country and informality. In addition, the relevance of the ratification of Convention 155 as an international regulatory framework that supports the unique treatment of the registry that this research suggests is concluded.
The research exposes an analysis of the registration systems for work accidents, occupational diseases, and dangerous incidents in the country, from its beginning as a single registry to implementation of the simplified method. The analysis exposes the improvements made to the registry implemented by the State aimed at overcoming the problem of underreporting that it recognizes. However, the need for a single registry applicable to all companies and entities is observed due to the labor force distribution in our country and informality. In addition, the relevance of the ratification of Convention 155 as an international regulatory framework that supports the unique treatment of the registry that this research suggests is concluded.
Derecho laboral--Perú, Seguridad industrial--Perú, Salud ocupacional--Perú, Derecho laboral internacional--Legislación--Perú