Competencias del perfil de egreso de psicología desarrolladas como practicante preprofesional del departamento psicopedagógico de una institución educativa pública de nivel inicial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo dar cuenta de los aprendizajes logrados en torno
a las competencias del perfil de egreso de la carrera de Psicología, a partir de las actividades
realizadas como practicante preprofesional de una institución estatal de nivel inicial del distrito
de Los Olivos durante el año 2021. Como parte de la competencia Diagnostica, se emplearon
distintos métodos para la recolección de información como la observación, la anamnesis, las
sesiones de juego y las pruebas psicométricas. A partir del análisis de la información, se
identificaron las principales necesidades de la población, dentro de las cuales se encontraban
las dificultades de atención en los niños, la limitada interacción con pares, las dificultades de
los padres para acompañar el proceso de aprendizaje de sus hijos, poner límites de forma
respetuosa, establecer rutinas, entre otros. Sobre la base de estos resultados, dentro de la
competencia Interviene, se diseñaron sesiones de escuela de padres para abordar los temas de
atención, estilos de crianza, crianza positiva y regulación emocional. Finalmente, para la
competencia Evalúa, se incluyó el diseño de una evaluación realizada como parte de un taller
de gestión de proyectos en el cual se participó durante la práctica preprofesional. En este
diseño, se planteó emplear un pre-test y un post-test sin grupo de comparación para evaluar el
objetivo general; cuestionarios y un role playing para evaluar los objetivos específicos; y
cuestionarios de satisfacción y listas de asistencia y cotejo para el monitoreo.
The purpose of this paper is to report on the learning achieved in relation to the competencies of the Psychology graduate profile, based on the activities carried out as a preprofessional intern in an early childhood state institution in the district of Los Olivos during the year 2021. As part of the Diagnostica competence, different methods were used to collect information such as observation, anamnesis, game sessions and psychometric tests. From the information analysis, the main needs of the population were identified, among which were attention difficulties in children, limited interaction with peers, difficulties of parents in accompanying the learning process of their children, setting limits in a respectful way, establishing routines, among others. Based on these results, within the Interviene competence, parenting school sessions were designed to address the topics of attention, parenting styles, positive parenting and emotional regulation. Finally, for the Evalúa competence, the design of an evaluation carried out in a project management workshop that took place during the preprofessional internship was included. In this design, a pre-test and a post-test without a comparison group were proposed to evaluate the general objective; questionnaires and a role playing to evaluate the specific objectives; and satisfaction questionnaires and checklists for monitoring.
The purpose of this paper is to report on the learning achieved in relation to the competencies of the Psychology graduate profile, based on the activities carried out as a preprofessional intern in an early childhood state institution in the district of Los Olivos during the year 2021. As part of the Diagnostica competence, different methods were used to collect information such as observation, anamnesis, game sessions and psychometric tests. From the information analysis, the main needs of the population were identified, among which were attention difficulties in children, limited interaction with peers, difficulties of parents in accompanying the learning process of their children, setting limits in a respectful way, establishing routines, among others. Based on these results, within the Interviene competence, parenting school sessions were designed to address the topics of attention, parenting styles, positive parenting and emotional regulation. Finally, for the Evalúa competence, the design of an evaluation carried out in a project management workshop that took place during the preprofessional internship was included. In this design, a pre-test and a post-test without a comparison group were proposed to evaluate the general objective; questionnaires and a role playing to evaluate the specific objectives; and satisfaction questionnaires and checklists for monitoring.
Psicología--Estudio y enseñanza, Psicopedagogía--Estudio de casos, Educación inicial
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