Plan Regional de Gestión de la cloración del agua para reducir la anemia y desnutrición crónica infantil en las zonas rurales de Huánuco, estudio de caso del distrito de Molino - año 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el Perú, al 2017, la red pública rural de agua alcanzó el 72.2 % de cobertura,
pero el suministro de agua potable fue del 1.8%. El consumo de agua clorada
reduce la Desnutrición Crónica Infantil - DCI, Anemia, Enfermedades Diarreicas
Agudas - EDAs y Parasitosis que afectan las capacidades futuras de los niños,
generando minusvalía y pobreza. El Programa Nacional de Saneamiento Rural -
PNSR implementa desde el 2013 una red comunitaria de servicios de agua clorada
JASS, teniendo como eje la asistencia técnica y la capacitación, incrementando el
suministro de agua clorada al 2017, en sólo el 1%. Sin embargo, en el distrito de
Molino en Huánuco, al 2019, 36 JASS suministran agua clorada con una eficacia
del 94%. Esta investigación analiza la gestión de los principales actores del
programa para conocer qué factores favorecen o limitan el acceso del agua clorada
a las familias en Molino. Así se ha identificado una serie de factores condicionantes
de la eficacia y la sostenibilidad que aseguran el acceso al servicio, destacando la
gestión de los dirigentes JASS, por su compromiso y empoderamiento,
garantizando la operación, el mantenimiento del servicio y el pago puntual de las
cuotas familiares; el accionar de las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales -ONG al
inicio del programa, generando una visión de cambio en los líderes; la labor
permanente de capacitación práctica y acompañamiento de los promotores del
Área Técnica Municipal; y la articulación del PNSR con los programas de
capacitación sanitaria y vigilancia de la calidad del agua del Micro Red de Salud de
Molino. Esta tesis toma dichas experiencias, incidiendo en las competencias
desarrolladas por los usuarios, técnicos y líderes sociales, para perfilar una
propuesta de ajuste del PNSR para la región Huánuco, que genere a nivel local
mayor dinamismo, compromiso y articulación entre los distintos actores e
instituciones involucradas en el programa.
In Peru, as of 2017, the rural public water network reached 72.2% coverage, but the supply of drinking water was 1.8%. The consumption of chlorinated water reduces Chronic Child Malnutrition - DCI, Anemia, EDA's and Parasitosis that affect the future capabilities of children, generating handicap and poverty. Since 2013, the National Rural Sanitation Program - PNSR has implemented a community network of JASS chlorinated water services, with technical assistance and training as its axis, increasing the supply of chlorinated water by 2017, by only 1%. However, in the Molino district in Huánuco, as of 2019, 36 JASS supply chlorinated water with an efficiency of 94%. This research analyzes the management of the main actors of the program to know what factors favor or limit access to chlorinated water for families in Molino. Thus, a series of determining factors of effectiveness and sustainability have been identified that ensure access to the service, highlighting the management of the JASS leaders, for their commitment and empowerment, guaranteeing the operation, maintenance of the service and the timely payment of the family fees; the actions of the NGOs at the beginning of the program, generating a vision of change in the leaders; the permanent work of practical training and support of the promoters of the Municipal Technical Area; and the articulation of the PNSR with the health training and water quality monitoring programs of the Molino Micro Health Network. This thesis takes these experiences, focusing on the skills developed by users, technicians and social leaders, to outline a proposal to adjust the PNSR for the Huánuco region, which generates greater dynamism, commitment and articulation between the different actors and institutions at the local level. involved in the program.
In Peru, as of 2017, the rural public water network reached 72.2% coverage, but the supply of drinking water was 1.8%. The consumption of chlorinated water reduces Chronic Child Malnutrition - DCI, Anemia, EDA's and Parasitosis that affect the future capabilities of children, generating handicap and poverty. Since 2013, the National Rural Sanitation Program - PNSR has implemented a community network of JASS chlorinated water services, with technical assistance and training as its axis, increasing the supply of chlorinated water by 2017, by only 1%. However, in the Molino district in Huánuco, as of 2019, 36 JASS supply chlorinated water with an efficiency of 94%. This research analyzes the management of the main actors of the program to know what factors favor or limit access to chlorinated water for families in Molino. Thus, a series of determining factors of effectiveness and sustainability have been identified that ensure access to the service, highlighting the management of the JASS leaders, for their commitment and empowerment, guaranteeing the operation, maintenance of the service and the timely payment of the family fees; the actions of the NGOs at the beginning of the program, generating a vision of change in the leaders; the permanent work of practical training and support of the promoters of the Municipal Technical Area; and the articulation of the PNSR with the health training and water quality monitoring programs of the Molino Micro Health Network. This thesis takes these experiences, focusing on the skills developed by users, technicians and social leaders, to outline a proposal to adjust the PNSR for the Huánuco region, which generates greater dynamism, commitment and articulation between the different actors and institutions at the local level. involved in the program.
Anemia--Aspectos nutricionales, Agua potable--Administración--Perú, Participación ciudadana--Perú--Molino (Huánuco : Distrito), Empoderamiento--Investigaciones--Perú
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