Trascendencia nomotética de las prácticas Parlamentarias y la aplicación del test de democracia Mínima en los plenos del Congreso de la República del Perú, julio 2018 – julio 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo principal en determinar si la
trascedencia nomotética de las prácticas parlamentarias permite la aplicación del
test de democracia mínima en los plenos del Congreso de la República del Perú,
Julio 2018 – Julio 2019. Para tal propósito desarrollaremos de manera puntual: i) el
binomio del presidencialismo y parlamentarismo desde Latinoamérica, ii) la
trascedencia nomotética de las prácticas parlamentarias en un esquema neo
parlamentarista, y iii) los 04 criterios del test de democracia mínima. Destacando
como una de las principales conclusiones; que el test (propuesta)incide en la función
latente de los argumentos que promueven las decisiones parlamentarias para
asumir determinadas acciones legislativas y no es un intrumento o herramienta de
uso constitucional para las Cortes Constitucionales a fin de evaluar las razones
constitucionales y jurídicas de determinado proyecto de ley, toda vez que los (as)
jueces asumirían un rol altamente politizado, ejerciendo funciones en parte de índole
parlamentaria antes que naturaleza jurisdiccional.
This research work has the main objective in determining whether the transcendence nomotetica of parliamentary practices allows the application of test of democracy minimal in plenary sessions of the Congress of the Republic of Peru, July 2018 - July 2019. For this purpose we will develop in a timely manner: (i) the binomial of presidentialism and parliamentarism from Latin America, (ii) the transcendence nomotetica of parliamentary practices in a schema parliamentarist, neo and (iii) the 04 criteria of the test of democracy to a minimum. Highlighting as one of the main conclusions; that the test affects the function latent of the arguments that promote parliamentary decisions to assume certain legislative actions and is not an instrument or tool of use for the constitutional Constitutional Courts in order to assess the constitutional and legal persons of a particular draft act, any time the (as) Judges would assume a role to become highly politicised, exercising functions in part of parliamentary nature before a jurisdictional nature.
This research work has the main objective in determining whether the transcendence nomotetica of parliamentary practices allows the application of test of democracy minimal in plenary sessions of the Congress of the Republic of Peru, July 2018 - July 2019. For this purpose we will develop in a timely manner: (i) the binomial of presidentialism and parliamentarism from Latin America, (ii) the transcendence nomotetica of parliamentary practices in a schema parliamentarist, neo and (iii) the 04 criteria of the test of democracy to a minimum. Highlighting as one of the main conclusions; that the test affects the function latent of the arguments that promote parliamentary decisions to assume certain legislative actions and is not an instrument or tool of use for the constitutional Constitutional Courts in order to assess the constitutional and legal persons of a particular draft act, any time the (as) Judges would assume a role to become highly politicised, exercising functions in part of parliamentary nature before a jurisdictional nature.
Perú. Congreso, Parlamentarios--Perú, Parlamentarismo, Parlamentarios--Perú, Perú--Política y gobierno--2018-2019
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