Programa estratégico Mi Salud Mental Importa para mejorar la identificación de posibles trastornos de salud mental, en niños, niñas y adolescentes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
La generación del presente programa se desarrolló bajo el contexto de la pandemia
causada por la COVID-19 y nuestra preocupación por las medidas de contingencia a
fin de evitar la propagación de la enfermedad en la población, lo que nos hizo ver a la
población de niños, niñas y adolescentes, siendo mayormente sensibles al desarrollo
de trastornos mentales y del comportamiento, habiéndose formado una dificultad en
la detección temprana e intervención en los problemas de salud mental de este grupo
poblacional. Es por ello que se planteó como objetivo principal implementar un
programa de prevención primaria mediante buses itinerantes que permitan transportar
a personal multidisciplinario y recursos para el desarrollo de actividades preventivas
en los distritos de Lima. Para ello, la metodología comprende en un enfoque
desarrollado por la Escuela de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas de la Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú el cual se centra en la generación de valor público a fin
de poder brindar una solución innovadora. Para ello, se planteó el diseño de un
prototipo que dio como resultados una deseabilidad alta, viabilidad al 90% de interés
en inversionistas y un desarrollo factible dado el ofrecimiento de los recursos
principales (buses) para llevar a cabo todo lo planteado. De esta forma, concluyendo
que el programa es lo suficientemente viable para su aplicación.
The generation of this program was developed in the context of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and our concern for contingency measures in order to prevent the spread of the disease in the population, which made us see the population of the boys, girls and adolescents, being the most sensitive to the development of mental and behavioral disorders, having formed a difficulty in early detection and intervention in mental health problems in this population group. That is why the main objective was to implement a primary prevention program through roaming buses that allow transporting multidisciplinary personnel and resources for the development of preventive activities in the districts of Lima. For this, the methodology includes an approach developed by the School of Government and Public Policies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, which focuses on the generation of public value in order to provide an innovative solution. For this, the design of a prototype was proposed that resulted in a high desirability, feasibility at 90% interest in investors and a feasible development given the offer of the main resources (buses) to carry out everything proposed. In this way, concluding that the program is viable enough for its application.
The generation of this program was developed in the context of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and our concern for contingency measures in order to prevent the spread of the disease in the population, which made us see the population of the boys, girls and adolescents, being the most sensitive to the development of mental and behavioral disorders, having formed a difficulty in early detection and intervention in mental health problems in this population group. That is why the main objective was to implement a primary prevention program through roaming buses that allow transporting multidisciplinary personnel and resources for the development of preventive activities in the districts of Lima. For this, the methodology includes an approach developed by the School of Government and Public Policies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, which focuses on the generation of public value in order to provide an innovative solution. For this, the design of a prototype was proposed that resulted in a high desirability, feasibility at 90% interest in investors and a feasible development given the offer of the main resources (buses) to carry out everything proposed. In this way, concluding that the program is viable enough for its application.
Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020---Aspectos psicológicos--Perú, Salud mental infantil--Perú, Servicios de salud mental--Perú, Adolescentes--Salud mental