Análisis de la Sostenibilidad del Programa Agroemprendimientos y Su Aporte Como Experiencia para la Puesta en Práctica del Concepto de Valor Compartido
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de tesis busca conocer desde la perspectiva de la Gerencia
Social los factores que contribuyen a la sostenibilidad del programa
Agroemprendimientos, implementado por la empresa EngieEnergía Perú en favor
de las comunidades de los distritos de Paucartambo y Huachón, durante los años
2018 – 2019. Con ese fin se procedió a analizar, las mejoras técnicas productivas
logradas por los agricultores, su articulación comercial y la organización de éstos
como fatores asociados que explican la sostenibilidad de dicho programa, y a
través de ello proponer medidas de mejora que fortalezcan su actuación en los
próximos años.
Cabe precisar que este programa nace a través del impulso inicial brindado por la
Empresa Engie Energía Perú para crear un modelo de intervención en la gestión
productiva de los agricultores de las comunidades de Paucartambo y Huachón,
principalmente ubicados en la zona baja de los valles que comparten el mismo
nombre ubicados en la provincia de Pasco, Región Pasco. Esta experiencia se
inicia en el año 2011 como parte de un nuevo planteamiento que busca un aporte
sostenible al desarrollo local para las comunidades antes mencionadas que se
ubican en los valles de Paucartambo y Huachón siendo éstos el área de influencia
directa de la C.H. Yuncán, operación de generación hidroeléctrica que se
encuentra a cargo de Engie Energía Perú mediante contrato de concesión por
usufructúo con el Estado Peruano. De esta forma, dicho programa busca traducir
en la práctica los postulados de Responsabilidad Social propuestos por el Grupo
Engie (matriz internacional de la empresa Engie Energía Perú) evidenciando con
ello su interés por crear una experiencia de “Valor Compartido” en la práctica.
El programa Agroemprendimientos ha transcurrido por tres etapas claramente
definidas por la forma de articular la propuesta de gestión agrícola y la particular
atención que se dio a la estrategia promocional en cada una de éstas. El presente
trabajo de tesis se centra en la tercera etapa de este programa, específicamente
en los años 2018 y 2019 de su implementación, y el análisis cualitativo de los
factores que explican la sostenibilidad de éste. Con este fin, se desarrolló un
conjunto de entrevistas a los actores claves de este programa divido en cuatro
grupos: los agricultores organizados (asociaciones de productores), el equipo
técnico del programa, el equipo de gestión social de la C.H. Yuncán y los
responsables gerenciales de Engie Energía Perú vinculados a la generación e
implementación del programa Agroemprendimientos. Se realizaron así 26
entrevistas semiestructuradas según el perfil de entrevistado (de acuerdo con la
clasificación antes descrita) entre los años 2018 y 2019. En paralelo a ello se
revisó un conjunto de documentos relacionados directamente al programa, así
como bibliografía vinculada, que ayudó a completar un análisis particular de esta
Valga señalar que las tres grandes áreas de investigación (preguntas específicas)
de este trabajo de tesis, según lo señalado en párrafos precedentes, analizan
desde la experiencia de los entrevistados: i) cómo las mejoras técnicas y
productivas experimentadas por los agricultores vinculados a este programa
aporta a la sostenibilidad de éste (teniendo como variables el desarrollo de
capacidades, la participación y la sostenibilidad ambiental); ii) cómo la articulación
comercial promovida por el programa ha contribuido a su sostenibilidad (a través
de variables como la articulación comercial y la sostenibilidad económica) y; iii)
en qué medida la organización de los agricultores, promovida por el programa, es
un aspecto clave para la sostenibilidad de éste (mediante variables como el
desempeño de la organización de los agricultores y la sostenibilidad social).
The aim of this thesis is to explain those factors which contributed to the sustainability of Agroemprendimientos Program implemented by Engie Energía Perú from the Social Management perspective in favor of the communities of the districts of Paucartambo and Huachón (Pasco Region), within 2018-2019. To that end, the following factors were analyzed, namely: the technical productive improvements achieved by farmers, their commercial articulation and their organization as associated factors explaining sustainability of this program, and by means of this, to propose improvement measures in order to strengthen the performance in the coming years. It is important to emphasize that this program originates due to the initial social entrepreneurial spirit thatEngie Energía Perú had in order to create an intervention model in the productive management of farmers of the communities of Paucartambo and Huachón, mainly located in the lower layers of the valleys sharing the same name located in the province of Pasco, Pasco Region. This experience began in 2011 as part of a new approach that seeks a sustainable contribution towards local development for the communities located in the valleys of Paucartambo and Huachón, which are the direct area of influence of Yuncán Hydroelectric Power Station, being Engie Energía Perú in charge of the hydroelectric generation operation by means of usufruct concession contract with the Peruvian State. Thus, the aim of this program, e.g.: Agroemprendimientos Program, is to make feasible SR (Social Responsibility) postulates proposed by Engie Group (International Parent Company of Engie Energía Perú), demonstrating with this, its interest in creating a "Shared Value" experience. The “Agroemprendimientos” program has gone through three stages clearly defined by the way the agricultural management proposal was articulated as well as the particular attention given to the promotional strategy in each of these stages. This thesis focuses on the third stage of this program, specifically on the implementation during 2018-2019, and the qualitative analysis of the factors that explain the sustainability of this program. For this purpose, a series of interviews were conducted to the stakeholders of this program divided into four groups: organized farmers (producers’ associations), the technical team of the program, the social management team of Yuncán hydroelectric plant and the managers of Engie Energía Perú linked to the generation and implementation of the Agroemprendimientos program. Thus, 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted according to the interviewee profile (in accordance with the classification aforementioned) between 2018 and 2019. In addition, a set of documents directly related to the program was analyzed, as well as related bibliography, which helped to complete a particular analysis of this experience. It should be noted that the three main research areas (specific questions) of this thesis, as indicated in the preceding paragraphs, analyze from the experience of the interviewees: (i) how the technical and productive improvements experienced by the farmers linked to this program contribute to its sustainability (having the following as variables: Capacity Building, participation and environmental sustainability); (ii) how the commercial articulation promoted by the program has contributed to its sustainability (through variables such as commercial articulation and economic sustainability) and; (iii) to what extent the farmers' organization, promoted by the program, is a key aspect for the sustainability of the program (through variables such as the performance of the farmers' organization and social sustainability).
The aim of this thesis is to explain those factors which contributed to the sustainability of Agroemprendimientos Program implemented by Engie Energía Perú from the Social Management perspective in favor of the communities of the districts of Paucartambo and Huachón (Pasco Region), within 2018-2019. To that end, the following factors were analyzed, namely: the technical productive improvements achieved by farmers, their commercial articulation and their organization as associated factors explaining sustainability of this program, and by means of this, to propose improvement measures in order to strengthen the performance in the coming years. It is important to emphasize that this program originates due to the initial social entrepreneurial spirit thatEngie Energía Perú had in order to create an intervention model in the productive management of farmers of the communities of Paucartambo and Huachón, mainly located in the lower layers of the valleys sharing the same name located in the province of Pasco, Pasco Region. This experience began in 2011 as part of a new approach that seeks a sustainable contribution towards local development for the communities located in the valleys of Paucartambo and Huachón, which are the direct area of influence of Yuncán Hydroelectric Power Station, being Engie Energía Perú in charge of the hydroelectric generation operation by means of usufruct concession contract with the Peruvian State. Thus, the aim of this program, e.g.: Agroemprendimientos Program, is to make feasible SR (Social Responsibility) postulates proposed by Engie Group (International Parent Company of Engie Energía Perú), demonstrating with this, its interest in creating a "Shared Value" experience. The “Agroemprendimientos” program has gone through three stages clearly defined by the way the agricultural management proposal was articulated as well as the particular attention given to the promotional strategy in each of these stages. This thesis focuses on the third stage of this program, specifically on the implementation during 2018-2019, and the qualitative analysis of the factors that explain the sustainability of this program. For this purpose, a series of interviews were conducted to the stakeholders of this program divided into four groups: organized farmers (producers’ associations), the technical team of the program, the social management team of Yuncán hydroelectric plant and the managers of Engie Energía Perú linked to the generation and implementation of the Agroemprendimientos program. Thus, 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted according to the interviewee profile (in accordance with the classification aforementioned) between 2018 and 2019. In addition, a set of documents directly related to the program was analyzed, as well as related bibliography, which helped to complete a particular analysis of this experience. It should be noted that the three main research areas (specific questions) of this thesis, as indicated in the preceding paragraphs, analyze from the experience of the interviewees: (i) how the technical and productive improvements experienced by the farmers linked to this program contribute to its sustainability (having the following as variables: Capacity Building, participation and environmental sustainability); (ii) how the commercial articulation promoted by the program has contributed to its sustainability (through variables such as commercial articulation and economic sustainability) and; (iii) to what extent the farmers' organization, promoted by the program, is a key aspect for the sustainability of the program (through variables such as the performance of the farmers' organization and social sustainability).
Desarrollo sostenible--Perú--Pasco, Proyectos de desarrollo--Perú, Agricultores--Perú--Pasco, Frutas--Comercialización
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