Análisis del uso de aplicaciones de delivery de alimentos mediante el modelo de aceptación de tecnología (TAM)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo explorar la relación entre las dimensiones
del Modelo de aceptación de Tecnología (TAM): percepción de utilidad, percepción de
facilidad de uso, percepción de confianza, percepción de disfrute e innovación del
consumidor; y la intención de uso de aplicaciones de delivery. Con tal objetivo, se
aplicaron cuestionarios a 262 personas que hayan utilizado una aplicación de delivery al
menos una vez vía web. Su participación fue voluntaria. Para los resultados se llevaron a
cabo análisis de correlación Spearmann, comparación de medianas y comparación de
proporciones. Los hallazgos mostraron que las personas que presentaron mayores
puntajes en cada una de las dimensiones del TAM mostrarían una mayor intención de uso
de aplicaciones de delivery, siendo la percepción de confianza la variable más influyente
en la intención de uso. Finalmente, al comparar los grupos de 18 a 35 años y 36 a 55 años
se encontró que el primero presenta mayores puntajes de en las dimensiones del TAM y
la intención de uso de aplicaciones de delivery. Asimismo, se observó que el grupo de
más jóvenes utiliza significativamente con mayor frecuencia las aplicaciones de delivery
que el grupo de mayores.
The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between the dimensions of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): useful perception, ease of use perception, reliance perception, enjoyment and innovation consumer perception; and the intended use of delivery applications. To that end, questionnaires were applied to 262 people who had used at least one time a delivery application through web. Their engagement was voluntary. For the results, Correlation Spearmann analysis, medians comparisons and proportions comparisons were conducted. The findings revealed that the people who showed the highest scores in each one of the dimensions of TAM would indicate greater intentions to use delivery applications, being the reliance perception in the intended use, the most influential variable. Finally, when comparing the groups between 18 to 35 and 36 to 55 years old, it was found that the first one presents higher scores in the TAM dimension and in the intended use of the delivery applications. As well it was noted that the younger group uses with significantly increase frequency the delivery applications as compare to the older group.
The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between the dimensions of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): useful perception, ease of use perception, reliance perception, enjoyment and innovation consumer perception; and the intended use of delivery applications. To that end, questionnaires were applied to 262 people who had used at least one time a delivery application through web. Their engagement was voluntary. For the results, Correlation Spearmann analysis, medians comparisons and proportions comparisons were conducted. The findings revealed that the people who showed the highest scores in each one of the dimensions of TAM would indicate greater intentions to use delivery applications, being the reliance perception in the intended use, the most influential variable. Finally, when comparing the groups between 18 to 35 and 36 to 55 years old, it was found that the first one presents higher scores in the TAM dimension and in the intended use of the delivery applications. As well it was noted that the younger group uses with significantly increase frequency the delivery applications as compare to the older group.
Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles, Aplicaciones--Uso--Estudio de casos, Alimentos--Comercialización, Comportamiento del consumidor
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